
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's All About Chinese Surname

Alright, firstly I apologize for any offence to anyone directly or indirectly. My blog is not aimed to attack any Religion or Cultural or any personal people.

About Chinese Surname, yes indeed it’s have a way long China Dynasty history to tell. For Chinese Reader please refer to this Link 姓氏-百度百科 and I try to take out the points and translate it.

1) Every Chinese Family have their same Surname, It’s a way to differ the family linkage. While their son is married, their son should be bring the family surname to their grandchild. Means their son build up another family with Surname from ancestors. Thus their wife also have to called with their son’s surname even she have her own surname too. e.g. you have to call miss Lee as Mrs. Wong if she is married to Mr. Wong XXX XXX.

2) Little History : Few thousand years ago, citizens are live together and it’s hard to avoid some peoples get married in very close family linkage. So there’s was a King given an important rules: No one are allowed to get marry with anyone who have same Surname. It’s for giving a better breeds. Till today, there are around 220K types of different Surname.(Every single chinese words is not repeated, since it’s written in “objects” not combination of alphabets)

There’s lots more History but I can’t translate all of them.

When chinese reverted and own a Muslim Name which is written in Arabic Language, it’s caused a serious cultural shocked to Chinese Society. Most of the time their reaction is: “ How can you throw away your Surname which have been bring along for ages from your ancestors?? What’s the reason for you to bring along a Malay Name with you? Are you ignore the importance of avoid family mix-blood marriage?”

That’s why Mr. Lim Jooi Soon come out and give a brief about Name :
Lim Jooi Soon selesa guna nama asal

Alright, what’s Islam tells about the dangers of marriages among relatives? Does it play a role just like how Chinese Society avoid the crisis by “Not Allowed to marry same Surname” rules?

“Forbidden to you for marriage are (the following women): your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your paternal and maternal aunts, the daughters of your brothers and sisters, your foster mothers who have breast-fed you, your foster sisters (whose mother have breastfed you), the mothers of your wives, your stepdaughters who are in your charge, born of the wives with whom you have lain; but it is no offence for you (to marry them) if you have not consummated your marriage with their mothers. (Forbidden to you also) are the wives of your own begotten sons, and to take in marriage two sisters at one and the same time unless this had happened in the past. Surely Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. ”

(Surah An Nisaa 23)

Only Allah swt understand the Most.
It’s an effort for Chinese Society to bring along Surname, but how about if someone not even ranged in group above for ages... But he/she is till forbidden to marry others due to the Surname. It’s quite often happen in Chinese Society nowadays while the real reason of Surname have been forgotten. Even if they are brave enough to get married too, their family would be shame because being criticized as “hardly to born normal child”.

I am not deny the importance of Surname, at the same time I may say Allah swt Maha Mengetahui because we are creations of Him. Only Creator know weakness of His mankind, that’s why whole world’s Muslim have been guided by Allah swt without Chinese Surname. Muslim already realize the crisis of mix-blood among relative and even more hikmah by what have been written in Al-Quran. It’s just like how humans feel proud to create so many tall buildings at Dubai but Allah swt have been raised the sky without any pillar or helps from human.

However, it’s not wrong to own Surname or Chinese Name. Just like many chinese muslim at Malaysia nowadays. I am decided to own my Muslim Name is simply my highest praise and respect to Allah swt. Wallahualam.

P.S. : Abdullah = Hamba Allah (Servant of God)


  1. nice info about the history of surname, this reminds me of the time i converted and my parents used to ask questions like 'why did you drop your surname?' or even sound threatening as 'how dare you lose your Chinese identity'.

    yeah i think you're right, a Chinese wife should follow her husband's surname as a tradition. but not many people know that Islam gives us a total respect of ourselves while not losing any identity of our family. for example both son and daughter have their own name in front and followed by the word "bin" or "binti" and their father's name. when people look at the names they can spot who's their father instantly. unlike our Chinese surname, it may contain only the family identity but not the exact name of our father.

    if we think deeply, we will see Islam really honors our father and mother.

  2. Wong Chien Fui:

    This is cultural shock with name issue. Actually bin and binti doesn't affect the family linkange, just the way of this name is not same like chinese name. Sometime I wonder how can be everyone who have "Ng" surname is my relative?

    There's lot more conflict with the name and very little info found. I will try to write more about it when I get it..

    The most interesting thing about name is, when refer to history, the "bin" may use to refer much deeper history of ancestors. Just like Sejarah 25 Nabi, many names are mentioned in it.

  3. yeah who knows someone with the surname of "Ng" could be your relative too, but a very distance one...

    indeed Islamic name is a cultural shock to our Chinese society, perhaps the majority race of Malaysia is Malay, therefore any Chinese who converts into Islam is considered as "masuk melayu" already... it's a sad tragedy. i really hope our government could give more opportunities to Perkim or MACMA to represent their identity so that more Chinese will open their minds and thoughts...

  4. i think we both own the same surname don't we? only that your mother tongue should be Hokkien am i right?

  5. Wong Chien Fui:

    People always love to judge book's cover only. Actually it's very hard to explain it if their heart is not opened to realize the truth.

    Yes I guess so we both own the same surname, my relative mostly speak hokkien but not me LOL, because majority people at perak speak cantonese

  6. can malay adopt chinese surname :D like zhuge

  7. seijiseimura84:

    oppss... sorry forgot to reply you. Sure no problem in adopt chinese surname, it would be the best if written in chinese word.

  8. Menamakan Dengan Nama Yang Baik
    Sunat hukumnya menamakan anak dengan nama yang baik. Ini berdasarkan hadis yang diriwayatkan daripada Abu ad-Darda‘Radhiallahu ‘anhu, Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam telah bersabda:


    “Sesungguhnya kamu akan dipanggil pada hari Kiamat dengan nama-nama kamu dan nama bapa-bapa kamu,
    maka perelokkanlah nama-nama kamu.”
    (Hadis riwayat Ibnu Hibban)

  9. tiada salahnya untuk kekalkan identiti diri sendiri dan keluarga. masuk ISLAM bukan bererti buang segala-galanya.

    cumanya segala perbuatan yg bertentangan dengan ajaran ISLAM, dari segi adat istiadat, upacara keagamaan, pemakanan, pembudayaan dan perbuatan syirik mengkufurkan ALLAH swt haruslah dijauhi.

    ustaz ridhuan tee yg selalu keluar kat forum perdana ehawal ISLAM kat tv satu tu pun muslim. pernah dia cerita kalau mak bapak dia nak pergi semayang kat tokong dia hantarkan, hari raya cina dia sambut bersama takda salahnya. cumanya hari raya bagi umat ISLAM adalah bersifat IBADAH dan meraikan kemenangan makanya tidak boleh disamakan dengan perayaan yg lain.

    back to the topic. bahasa al-quran adalah bahasa arab. tetapi jangan lupa, chinese language, bahasa melayu, bahasa tamil, tagalog, mandarin, etc. pun ilmu ALLAH swt juga. cumanya ada sesetengah saudara baru yg senang menggunakan nama ISLAM dihadapan dan kekalkan identiti keluarga atau bapa di belakang. tujuannya sama adalah untuk MEMELIHARA KETURUNAN dan sebagai doa kepada si anak. nama yg baik adalah doa kepada si penama justru sunat memberikan nama yg baik dan mempunyai maksud yg baik ataupun dari kalangan nama nabi ataupun tokoh ISLAM.

    cuba lihat ajaran ISLAM dalam menyuruh kita memilih ISTERI. apa ciri2x yg ISLAM suruh kita cari.

    Rasulullah s.a.w pernah bersabda,

    “Seorang wanita itu dinikahi kerana empat; kerana harta, kerana keturunannya, kecantikannya dan agamanya. Maka hendaklah diutamakan yang beragama, nescaya kamu berbahagia.”

    Hadith ini telah diriwayatkan oleh kedua-kedua Imam Bukhari dan Imam Muslim dalam kitab sahih mereka serta imam hadis yang lain.

    1)harta - kebendaan & kaya ilmu. 1 daripada 3 doa nabi muhammad yg pernah ditolak oleh ALLAH swt adalah pergaduhan antara sesama ISLAM. pendapat peribadi sy tiada harta pun masalah juga ya. klu seseorang tu dah nak lemas biasanya dia akan gapai sekeliling dan tarik orang sama2 lemas dengan dia. anjuran mencari isteri yg berharta adalah supaya tidak bergaduh atas urusan duniawi malahan boleh beramal ula jika ada rezeki yg lebih. kaya ilmu juga adalah cabang berharta bagi yang miskin.

    2)keturunan - menjaga salasilah keturunan. supaya tidak berlaku kerosakkan dimuka bumi akibat dari penzinaan (anak luar nikah diberikan binti Abdullah), perkahwinan sama jenis (lesbian or gay), perkahwinan dengan saudara terdekat atau ibu susuan (medical proven, the chromosom for genes will not be able to develop resulting into chronic disease) and etc.s

    3)kecantikkan - mendatangkan nafsu apabila si suami melihat isteri jadi mendatangkan sayang, klu muka sepuluh sen takda mekapa suami pun nak cari yg lain ye tak. cantik rohani pun boleh juga klu tak cantik paras luaran.

    4)agama - memang benar suami adalah ketua keluarga dan harus memimpin si isteri yg mempunyai 9 nafsu dan 1 akal ini. tetapi isteri yg mempunyai background agama yg baik dapat menasihati si suami pada waktu yg diperlukan. nak menegur si suami pun kena berilmu juga ya klu tak bergaduhlah mereka.

    p/s: huraian adalah pandangan peribadi sy sahaja yg sudahpun mengantuk, dapatkanlah huraian yg lebih jelas dari mereka yg lebih arif dan berhak.

  10. mae :

    ya, itulah maklumat Islam yang sebenarnya... Terima kasih atas kongsian saudari ye.

    Agama dan keturunan juga dipentingkan dari segi agama Islam, yang paling diutamakan ialah agama. Bukanlah menjadi suatu masalah sekiranya ditambah nama Islam di hadapan seperti apa yang dikatakan oleh saudari, ia merupakan doa dan Islam juga mengharamkan memanggil orang dengan gelaran buruk.


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