
Monday, September 6, 2010

Thanks my mother

Last week, My parent come to pay a visit at my house. Already been few months they are not visit our daughter.. "Are you fasting like malays?" That's what my mother asked me always, however I am remain silent because I don't know how to explain the importance and amazement of fasting in Ramadhan.

While they come to my house, my mother give me a pack of dry food. "You should eat Oatmeal, it would let you stay healthy while fasting. And there's 100 plus, biscuits." (Before this my mother even give me mooncake with halal chop on it. She tried so hard to understand what I cared)

All I can think about is love between mother and son are never differed by religion. That's non-language expression, can't be judge with anything existed on earth. I appreciated what's my mother give me, perhaps it's a silent answer that she accepted me as muslim.

As long as my mother knows I am still his son, I am satisfied.


  1. Semoga Allah memberikan hidayah kepada mereka. ;')

  2. Khadijah :

    MashaAllah... :)

    Hafiz Majdi:

    Insya Allah...

  3. > ikhwan ng.

    if i may suggest, instead of u being silent each time u don't know how to explain things to ur mom about islam then u should replace it with a mesra smile and hug her.

    smile, look at her, give a big hug and if possible kiss her cheek.

    these set of things u do will reach her heart more faster then u try to explain on things that she didn't understand or things u dun have enough knowledge to explain. believe me.

  4. mae:

    Malu la bro...

    For chinese cultural we are very strict between the old and young generation, seldom kiss2 hug2.. InsyaAllah one day, I will try to do it too.

  5. make me smile :).

    bila mak merajuk, kita jgn merajuk lak .. :P

  6. Doa banyak2 mudah2an Allah bantu ..:) i.Allah. jangan putus asa dengan rahmat Allah.


  7. Bila terjadi situasi di mana anda perlu bertegas tapi pada masa yang sama ia menyebabkan ibu anda sedih atau berkecil hati, jangan berdiam diri dan memberi ruang untuk dia terasa anaknya kini 'jauh' dan meletakkan 'barrier' pada hubungan ibu-anak.

    So a hug or a kiss might do wonders. These simple gestures can soften any mother's heart. And it will remove the invicible barrier and make her feel close to his son again. Like a comfort. Jangan malu. Do it between you and her. No one will know.


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