
Friday, December 17, 2010

Connecting the dots

It takes me quite long time to write an article, perhaps few days till weeks.
I am working hard on finding trusted source information, ayat Al-Quran.. (Especially I am just new-learner) plus I am sharing my personal experience as Muallaf. Which is what I am working hard to prove that Islam is true, more facts and information need to be collected and combined into one little article. This process makes me feel like connecting the dots. Each dot is stand for one small piece of trusted information, I search for few dots from various kind of books and information at internet then link them into one "Image".

Sesungguhnya pada kejadian langit dan bumi, dan pada pertukaran malam dan siang, ada tanda-tanda (kekuasaan Allah) bagi orang-orang yang berakal. (Iaitu) orang yang menyebut dan mengingati Allah semasa mereka berdiri, duduk dan berbaring mengiring, dan mereka pula memikirkan tentang kejadian langit dan bumi (sambil berkata): Wahai Tuhan kami! Tidaklah engkau menjadikan semuanya ini dengan sia-sia, Maha Suci Engkau, maka peliharalah kami dari azab neraka. 

[Surah Ali 'Imran Ayat : 190-191]
Islam is not fairytale that full of fantasy because Allah swt are the One who made this world.. Al-Quran have been proven everything about universe and life, day by day science keep on proven every Kalam Allah swt precisely describe every creation of Him.

However, the religion situation in Malaysia could be a mess. Which is muslim and non muslim always fight about religion issue especially at Internet. No one know what's their real identity at internet, just register any nickname then they will insult Islam openly at forum discussion board. Even if you google Islam photo, 80% of them are insulting cartoons and picture.

Before we condemn those rude non muslim, perhaps we should sit back and think may be the problem is come from muslim ourselves. Muslim should be preaching Islam to others patiently and politely, but occasionally what happening is other religion's idol oftenly being abused with all kind of rude words and criticism. Just like what it means in Surah Al An'aam Ayat : 108 :

Dan janganlah kamu caci benda yang mereka sembah selain dari Allah, kerana mereka kelak akan mencaci Allah secara melampaui batas tanpa pengetahuan. Demikianlah Kami memperelokkan pada pandangan tiap-tiap umat akan amal perbuatan mereka, kemudian kepada Tuhan merekalah tempat kembali mereka, lalu Ia menerangkan kepada mereka apa yang mereka telah lakukan.

Allah swt won't forgive us if we do Syirik to Him, however Allah swt also warn us don't insult other religion's Idol. We are not asked to respect other god than Allah swt but to respect non muslim's feeling with their "god". Everyone need god in themselves,  insulting their god would lead to meaningless debate.

I tried to explain about Islam at chinese forum, but most of their feedback is abusive article like berita saudara baru merogol saudara baru, mayat muallaf direbut oleh pihak berkuasa, Islam meniru agama Christian and lots more criticism that drive me mad. It's very easy to teasing and insulting others, they don't need any knowledge to do so. Just search through the internet and they would copy paste a lot of nonsense information about Islam. Just like what have been quoted in Surah Al An'aam "Kerana mereka kelak akan mencaci Allah secara melampaui batas tanpa pengetahuan."

Such situation always happened on me while I try to explain Islam to non muslim.
They throw away those critical question on me, but most of the time I am just remain silent.. Honestly I have heard a lot of those negative rumours already about Islam before reverted, now it's my turn to stand on Islam side collect facts and fatwa from books then reply back. Sometime after I replied back with long true information they would refuse to accept it then walk away (Perhaps they don't understand at all) The last comment I received is : "Why you always trying hard to fight for that religion Islam? What's wrong with you? You are just living in your own world, act like dirty politician forcing everyone to accept all of the nonsense..."

Another hush from me...
I believe I am not fight for nothing or insult others feeling, but I just want to show them that Islam is true, Allah swt is the God and Prophet Muhammad saw is the last prophet.

Sesungguhnya Allah, Tuhanku dan Tuhanmu, maka sembahlah Kamu akan Dia; inilah jalan yang lurus.
[Surah Az Zukhruf Ayat : 64]


  1. insyaAllah with ur determination,Allah swt will help u.
    just to share,i always visit jakim website for trusted al-quran tafsir n hadis.

  2. successor or giver :

    Thanks for sharing, actually my blog's ayat Al-Quran are copy paste from there only though. Because I notice there's many website are stated the wrong number or words of Al-Quran.


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