
Thursday, November 13, 2014

"Season Pass" Into Muslim Interracial Marriage

While I'm reading my book's reader (Ita Si Merah Jambu) comment about interracial marriage, which is briefly about a chinese man who leaving Islam after he getting divorced with his Muslim wife.. Is there lots of people who embraced Islam just solely for the sake of marriage?

This comment reminds me one of my friend, Jenny (not her real name) who had conversations with me in email before. She told me that how she went through lots of challenges and trials in learning Islam, being discriminated by family upon her will. But her boyfriend left her eventually.. Since then Jenny became so disappointed with her boyfriend's decision since she had sacrificed a lot for the relationships. Although she was being criticized, she didn't mind at all until the one she trust the most was leaving her behind, although she might be even embrace an unfamiliar religion for the sake of this interracial relationship.

So what's left when the love affair is over? All of those sweet promises like he'll divorce his wife and asking Jenny to embrace Islam so they might get a "season pass" to get married officially. It's pretty easy, muslim are compulsory to get married with the partner who has the same faith. That's what have been stated clearly in the syariah law of Malaysia.

Sacrifice could be a beautiful rhythm in a love story, just like how Romeo And Juliet pursue their difficult love, they are willing to be discriminated and tortured due to the power of Love. Hence Jenny assume that by embracing Islam, an unfamiliar religion to her and most probably don't know the essence of it, is a sweet sacrifice in their love affair..

Since then, Jenny was trying to understand the fundamental knowledge of Islam with what she barely found in the internet. She can't understand much in Malay language books, therefore english ebook and youtube is the alternative way for her learning regarding islam. After few months of getting closer with Islamic knowledge, surprisingly Jenny felt comfortable and impressed with the strong principle in Islam.

So the question is, what's left for Jenny when all of those sweet promises vanished in a glimpse?

"I'm sorry, I just can't leave my wife and childrens... I love you very much but this is just too hard for us after all."

It was like the end of the world, what she had striven for boyfriend turn out to be nothing. Particularly there's no more reason to embrace Islam, no more such thing as "lifetime season pass" to get married with a Muslim. Somehow Jenny was feeling relieved that she haven't registered herself as a Muslim in any religions office yet, therefore she has a choice to move on with her life and forget every pain she felt.

Although people make us disappointed sometimes, our love towards Creator isn't the similar matters. Jenny already has the strong interest regarding the beauty of Islam even though her boyfriend isn't really practical in Islam matters. Also didn't explain much what Islam about to Jenny... Jenny started to understand Islam and a few answer with controversial questions that aroused quite often, what she has found out is Islam pressed a lot on justice and not as reflected by those irresponsible extremist Muslim militant.

Day goes by and Jenny move on with her life without the love from her beloved boyfriend anymore.
One day she told me via email that she would like to embrace Islam with the love towards Allah the AlMighty Creator. Perhaps it's one of the way Jenny gain His guidance through this difficult way. Till now she has been reverted to Islam for more than one year, actively involved in Dakwah, sharing her personal experience of how she embrace Islam in TV channel and FM station.

That's the power of love when we choose to love Allah SWT.

What we have on this earth might leave us one day without hesitation, including the people that we loved, the property that we earned. One day they might turn out to be burden or even worst. While Allah SWT never leave us behind, He does listen to our prayer, forgives our sins if we are striving hard.. The love between humble servant with Creator.

Have you ever realized that the "Jenny" I am talking about might be someone that you know recently?


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