Wednesday, July 23, 2014
::Ramadan Reflections::Day 25: Short Film - A Journey To Remember
Pustaka Badrul Production - A Journey To Remember
25 Ramadhan 1435H
Sinopsis : Mazlan dikenali di universitinya sebagai seorang yang kedekut dan tidak suka membantu orang lain. Justeru menyebabkan beliau tidak mempunyai ramai rakan. Suatu hari, beliau tela didatangi oleh seseorang yang bernama Fakhrul yang mengaku dirinya berasal dari dimensi lain, dan ingin membawa Mazlan mengembara ke dimensinya. Adakah Mazlan akan menerima jemputan pengembaraan Fakhrul. Bagaimanakah pengembaraan itu sebenarnya? Sama-sama saksikan dalam 'A Journey To Remember'.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
::Ramadan Reflections::Day 17: 马来西亚华裔穆斯林系列 - Malaysia Chinese Muslim In A Nutshell
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Mimbar, Chinese Muslim Mosque, Ipoh. 敏拜尔,敏拜楼(指清真寺殿内的宣教台,形如楼梯) |
This is articles about Malaysia Chinese Muslim published by Nan Yang Newspaper (南洋商报) at 2010 year. A bittersweet and complicated of our Reverted Muslim story. Although there is slightly incorrect statement about Islam and Muslim, the rest about social and prejudice against Reverted Muslim is defined precisely.
Still, it's very interesting for Chinese readers to have a glance about who is Chinese Muslim in Malaysia.
以下的文章是由南洋商报于 2010 年所刊登相关马来西亚华裔穆斯林系列。 基于华裔穆斯林一直处于灰色地带,鲜少人真正了解华裔归信穆斯林的真正状况与外界的压力。然而这并不代表身为穆斯林的华裔就得一直低着头过活,我们仍然拥有自身的使命去让外界理解何以我们选择了伊斯兰,甚至可以向外界讲解有关“回教”一词并不恰当于形容 Islam 这一个阿拉伯文字。
“回教”顾名思义就是回回族的宗教,而 Islam 的真正涵义有两个:顺从和平安。伊斯兰本身提倡‘顺从真主’。所以 Muslim 这一个阿拉伯字的涵义就是“顺从真主的仆人”,也反驳了“回教徒”这局限了其定义为:回回种族的宗教教徒。况且马来西亚何来的中国少数民族?大部分的穆斯林都是马来同胞和印度同胞。皆因伊斯兰本身就是世界性的宗教,从没有区分肤色与富贫之别。
马来西亚华裔穆斯林系列1:大马华裔穆斯林 情何以堪?
马来西亚华裔穆斯林系列2:马华穆斯林历史 郑和引航
马来西亚华裔穆斯林系列3: 信奉穆斯林等同放弃 本身文化与身分?
马来西亚华裔穆斯林系列4:政治?节庆?异族?异教? 身分归类的疑惑
马来西亚华裔穆斯林系列5: 改教风波 如何平息?
马来西亚华裔穆斯林系列6(完):厘清宗教灰色地带 回归自由
Thursday, July 10, 2014
::Ramadan Reflections::Day 12: The true Gaza back-story that the Israelis aren’t telling this week
This is what you won't read from local Newspaper, everybody is busy about Fifa World Cup and who is going to be the Winner? Argentina? German??
This is a saddening Ramadan month, please pray for our Muslim brothers sisters at Gaza right now. If you ever wonder what's going on between Israel and Gaza, this is an informative article:
Original Link :
Friday, July 4, 2014
::Ramadan Reflections::Day 5: Hibernation
Well... I promised myself to write 30 articles for 30 days before this.
Seems like I have failed to do it. I feel sorry for the weak outcome.
There's too much commitment to deal with in reality. At least I'll be back to my blogging life after everything settled down. May everyone have a faith fulfilled Ramadan Month.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
::Ramadan Reflections::Day 4: The Hunger Games
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Everytime I walk into Pasar Ramadhan and it's 6pm. |
Today I'm not feeling well...
So I would just write a simple article today.
::Ramadan Reflections::Day 3: Iftar And Tarawih In Madian Mosque, Beijing, China
Zhang Farish (Mr. Red Hat) is travelling at Beijing, China right now. He can't even access into Facebook, Blogspot and Wordpress. The only communications we have is just Whatsapp. Alhamdulillah, I received lots of information from him again. Although we only met each other only one time this year, we are actively chatting over internet communications.
I would like to share his journey at 北京市马甸清真寺 (Madian Mosque) at first Iftar day based on our Whatsapp conversations :
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