Thursday, December 24, 2015

Look Before You Leap

Long before there were loudspeakers introduced in masjid before 1930s, where they are used for the adhan (call to prayer).. Muslim were beating this big drum as adhan. 

I'm always telling my non muslim friends to think twice before embrace Islam instead of urging them in making a rash decision.

Because they must be knowing the true meaning of shahadah first instead of chasing dunya. Then embrace the essences of shahadah, the whole new guidance in life. worship none but Allah SWT, witness prophet Muhammad s.a.w. as the last messenger for mankind.

When shahadah recited, the whole dunya means nothing and everything try to tear us apart, telling us how sorry we should feel and how irresponsible we are.

Most people have a fragile heart, they can't take the trials and challenges easily unless if they have found the true path to go on.

The only thing left within us is the little faith in shahadah. The reason to stay strong and knowing the true meaning of life as servants.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Surau Dalam Bilik Stor

The beauty of  green fields and Masjid in Perlis

Saya kerap teringat bilik surau yang terletak dalam bilik stor oleh bekas firma saya, bukannya ingin mengkritik bekas firma sebagai tidak mempunyai belas kasihan, tapi apa yang menarik perhatian saya adalah kesabaran murid2 praktikal yang tetap menjaga kebersihan lantai dan sejadah biarpun dikelilingi oleh lambakan file.

Dari situ saya bertanya dimanakah Tuhan orang islam? Pada masa dahulu saya tidak mengenali islam langsung, apatah lagi apa yang disembah oleh muslim. Pada waktu rehat saya melihat murid2 masuk ke dalam surau beramai2 selama 10 minit. Namun kadang kala saya memasuki bilik stor atas arahan mencari file, saya tidak menemui sebarang perantaraan yang disembah.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Menuju Ke Arah Yang Benar

Perbualan Hangat dalam fb

Apakah erti untuk menjadi seorang insan yang bergelar "Muslim"?
Adakah gelaran "muslim" memadai apabila seseorang insan dilahirkan dalam "keluarga Muslim", manakala yang selain itu adakah kufur dan bakal menjadi bahan api neraka?

Hakikatnya, Islam bukan diamalkan melalui penghafalan dan sukatan modul peperiksaan semata-mata. Islam perlu diamalkan sepenuhnya melalui penghayatan sirah Nabi, nas-nas al-Qur'an dan sunnah. Kerana Iman dan takwa tidak mampu disukat oleh sistem ISO:9001, hanya tuan badan yang mengetahui pengamalan Islam dan takwa dalam urusan harian.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Masuk Melayu

"In The Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful"
"Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang"

My brother in Islam, Rex Tan​ sent me the marriage invitation card through whatsapp recently. He told me about his Chinese Muslim fiancée long ago, I'm feeling glad that the marriage is going to be held in December.

In a glimpse it may seems like ordinary Chinese wedding invitation card, when I look closer.. mashaAllah, there's a Chinese and Malay translation of "Bismillah" as opening.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Apabila Non Muslim Bersoal Tentang Islam

Lian Thong Restaurant, Taiping

Punca utama non muslim makin menjauhi daripada Islam adalah datang daripada kalangan muslim yang tidak bertanggungjawab.. yakni munafik.

Apabila non muslim bersoal tentang Islam, mereka akan terus mengkritik tingkahlaku munafik tanpa mengenali erti Islam yang sebenar.

Untuk menjalankan dakwah secara berkesan, kita tidak harus buang masa dalam menjelaskan tingkahlaku manusia semata-mata, sebab manusia yang patut dicontohi hanya Nabi Muhammad
s.a.w. yang maksum! Bukannya menudung jari pada muslim sekeliling kita dan menaruh fitnah!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Seeking Guidance

Bought a few books from China

One of my friend saying that he feels like other religion is more lovely, at least he feels like those followers treat him nice. Which attract him more towards that religion rather than Islam.

I have to agree that everyone need love, respect and heartwarming feeling.

I hope he'll understand that the reason I choose Islam isn't looking for the best "customer service". It's pretty simple, what is the answer about life? Forget about all those taboos, welcoming members, lovely events.. I just need to know the truth or leave me alone.

After all, life after shahadah don't seems to be easy. I have encountered with a few problematic muslims. However my faith in Islam didn't less a bit because I choose to forgive them.. I choose not to put the blame on Islam just because of their betrayal.

Once I have realized what is the TRUTH, nothing really matters, really.

The truth is unchanged message that live forever, while the rest is just an illusions.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Mid-Autumn Festival

Mid-Autumn Festival Halal? Haram? 
One of the FAQ among Malaysians..

I do admire Muslim's attitude in being cautious with something that they're unfamiliar with. Therefore I would like to share something about 中秋节 mooncake festival.

I used to be playing tanglung (灯笼)and candles with friends, the most interesting part was we create a bigger candle by heating few candles then pour it into a plastic container, also "cooking" special dishes, daun chili, flowers and stuff.. my family didn't believe in "praying to moon" so no rituals was made. Only certain neighbours was holding joss sticks and praying to Moon, which means every Chinese enjoy the mooncake festival solely for our chinese cultural that inherited for ages.. while rituals is depends on their personal belief.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Analogi Dakwah

"Dah berikan buku2 kepada kawan non muslim, tapi nampaknya dia masih belum berminat bacanya.. kita doa2kan ye " saya menerima mesej daripada seorang sahabat, saya telahpun tolong poskan beberapa buku pengenalan kepada islam dan al Quran kepada kawannya yang non muslim.

Dakwah bukannya perkara mudah untuk dijalankan. Ia seumpama kita tanamkan benih di dalam tanah, menyiram air, letak baja, pastikan suhu sesuai dan tidak dipijak binatang.. Namun sekian lama menyiram air, mungkin benih akan tumbuh daun kecil dan akar, mungkin tidak.

Dalam hati semua orang mempunyai benih ini, ia dinamakan sebagai "fitrah". Adakah benih dalam hati ini tumbuh menjadi pokok yang tinggi dan berbuah ataupun terpendam begitu saja amat bergantung kepada rangsangan dari luar.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Pursuit of Guidance

Berita Harian newspaper clip

"I'm sorry, I can't betray my parents especially I'm their only son. I just can't make it no matter how I try.. let's just end this relationship."

Jim was telling this to Shila calmly, as if there's no big fuss about the situation. Just say good bye, turn around and never come back. Full stop.

"But you told me that you'll learn more about Islam and persuade your family? What's wrong.."
"There's nothing wrong, I'm very sorry and I have to go now.. I'll have a meeting later." Jim took his briefcase and leave. It's a tough decision to break a girl's heart but there's nothing else he could do.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

You're The Master Of Your Soul

"Just remember this, I'm your father and I promise that I'll not force you to be a Muslim. "

His son was weeping, carrying a school bag and wearing school uniform. The day Daniel's parents getting divorced, he was only 8 years old.

"But why dad? Why would you separate from mom and insist to convert into Islam? Mom told you not to do so.."

"My son, listen carefully.. your mom against my will to embrace Islam together, we are getting separated for our own good. She choose to remain her stand, while I choose my way."

"Daniel! Get into the car! " his mom was yelling from the car while parked it beside school entry. She won Daniel's custody, the attendance of her ex husband was unexpected.

"One day you'll understand, my son. Just remember one thing, no one may refrain your soul from which way you head to. I am your father, and I'll be your father forever.. I can't force you to embrace Islam, you may follow your mother to church and continue your life. Just learn more about religions, seeking the meaning of life and be an independent boy.. Promise me. "

"One day you'll understand inshaAllah. You're the master of your soul. "

-inspired by true story

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Free Distribution Of "Not-For-Sale" Religion Books

My father always brought us whole family to Buddhist temple. That was the happiest moments of my life.. Because I may get FREE BOOKS!!

Every Buddhist temple have a special Chinese book rack that give away books for free. Every book marked as "Not for sale". No cashier or anyone guarding the books. When I was a kid, my father gave me a few ringgits and said, "Take what books you're interested with then put these money into donation box."

I'll take whole bunch of books that haven't read before, heaven and hell, Buddhism, karma, why should be a vegetarian etc.. there's also comic books that explain Buddhism, which was my favorite.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Cina, Muallaf, Babi

"Awak ni cina muallaf ke?"
"Awak makan babi lagi sekarang?"

Itulah apa yang diucapkan oleh seorang muslimah yang berpakaian jubah hitam dan memakai sarung tangan. Saya ingin menggantikan nama tu kepada khinzir tapi itulah situasi sebenar yang didengari oleh seorang kawan revert saya. "Cina, muallaf, babi."

Beliau kongsikan kisah ini yang baru berlaku pada minggu lepas hari jumaat. Saya amat menghormatinya kerana beliau telah memeluk Islam lebih 40 tahun.. Namun tujuan saya bukannya ingin mengaibkan sesiapa, maka saya rahsiakan nama kawan saya dan tiada gambar dan video muslimah itu untuk diviralkan. bab viral2 aib orang bukannya adab orang Islam.. Buat sementara ni saya namakan kawan saya sebagai Auntie A.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Oldest Religion

The Quran mentions 25 messengers by name but also tells that God sent many other prophets and messengers, to all the different nations that have existed on Earth.

"Ikhwan u knw hindu the oldest religion?"
- by "Anonymous"

One of the comment in my blog.
It seems pretty fair, the oldest religion withhold the authentic source of God. Although Islam came after Hindu, Judaism, Christianity.. There's one thing that make Islam special from other religions.

Islam is the oldest religion than any other religions. It's not invented by people, in fact our Creator, ALLAH SWT has no beginning and ending.. Guide us to the straight path since the first human Adam created.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful!

Chinese Translation of Chapter Al-'Ikhlas (The Sincerity)

Selepas berkongsi gambar terjemahan cina surah al-Ikhlas, saya menerima persoalan daripada seorang not yet muslim iaitu kenapa merujuk Allah sebagai 他? (Ta). “Kenapa guna sebutan 他 (ta)? 他(Ta) merujuk kepada manusia seperti kita semua, bukannya merujuk kepada Tuhan?"


Saya berasa soalan ini amat bagus sebenarnya.
Dalam bahasa terjemahan English, ia bertukar menjadi "He". BM pula menyebut "Dia".

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Tidak mengapa, saya sanggup.

Little pilgrimage in Kinokuniya Bookstore, KLCC

Ramai yang bertanya kenapa dan bagaimana saya kembali kepada Islam?

Kecintaan kepada Allah yang Maha Esa datang daripada hati. Ketahuilah semua manusia dilahirkan dengan fitrah, ingin mencintai Tuhan dan memohon kepadaNya.

Namun ibu bapa yang mengajar kita semenjak kecil kepada Tuhan mana yang patut kita menyembah, maka kami pun taat dan turut.. Tidak banyak menyoal kenapa tuhan berbagai ragam, kenapa kadang2 doa tidak dimakbul, kenapa hidup untuk mengejar duniawi kemudian takut pada mati, takut pada musibah..

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Project Beli Quran Terjemahan Mandarin / Wakaf Quran

al-Qur'an Waqf project (English article click here)

(Sebarang pertanyaan boleh Call/SMS/Whatsapp 012-3979998)

Kini saya ingin menguruskan projek Quran ini secara berterusan, tujuannya adalah memudahkan pembelian dan wakaf Quran terjemahan cina yang diimport dari Negara China.

Quran akan diedarkan melalui poslaju selepas pre order, ia mengambil masa 1-2 minggu untuk penghantaran quran dari China.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

For The Love Of Almighty Creator

"I had no interest to know anything about Islam, not to mention the consideration of embrace Islam." One of the former Christian told me about this, that she finds the true path of life in Islam.

It's true that most of the time Non Muslim stay away from knowing what Islam really about. The so called "Islamophobia" that cause by terrorism, Right Wing, media, etc. It makes Non Muslim feel like there's nothing to deal with Islam anyway.

"I have tried so hard to debate with my husband (before married), till I cried and cried that hoping so much he'll embrace Christian. That's all because I thought Islam is a wrong religion and I want to pull him away from hell fire."

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Life In A Maze

When I was attending english tuition class during standard 3, I couldn't pay attention to the class and just did whatever I could to memorize vocabulary, follow teacher's instructions to do homework. I couldn't be the same like those who speak English as mother tongue, they seems relax to deal with school exam.

Until one day the tuition teacher Mrs. Lee gave everyone of us a piece of paper. It's a maze game.. Unlike ordinary maze, this maze is seems so complicated that trigger my interest. While others were frown their forehead to solve the maze, I managed to finish it in few minutes and shouted out happily, "I'm the winner! I have solved the maze!!"

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Premium Yunnan Loose Leaf Greentea (Imported)

Yunnan Loose-leaf Greentea Order:
Ikhwan Ng : 012-3979998

Ramai kawan yang selalu bertanya kenapa saya giat jual Greentea? Jawapannya saya bukannya jual Greentea jenis uncang, tetapi jenis "Loose-Leaf" yang import dari ladang teh Yunnan, China.

Harus faham perbezaan ketara di antara uncang dan Loose-Leaf.

Semasa pemprosesan daun Greentea, daun teh yang sempurna dan berkualiti akan dipilih dan packing sebagai Loose-Leaf. Untuk sisa-sisa daun teh lain pula, akan packing dalam uncang sebab telah hancur daun asal ataupun tiada kualiti yang ditetapkan dalam packing Loose-leaf. Sehingga uncang dinama sebagai "Tea dust" (Habuk teh).

Sumber :

Monday, March 23, 2015


I just came across an article Practicing Islam in Short Shorts written by Thanaa El-Naggar.
The scenario I'm about to describe has happened to me more times than I can count, in more cities than I can remember, mostly in Western cities here in the U.S. and Europe.
I walk into a store. There's a woman shopping in the store that I can clearly identify as Muslim. In some scenarios she's standing behind the cash register tallying up totals and returning change to customers. She's wearing a headscarf. It's tightly fastened under her face where her head meets her neck. Arms covered to the wrists. Ankles modestly hidden behind loose fitting pants or a long, flowy dress. She's Muslim. I know it. Everyone around her knows it. I stare at her briefly and think to myself, "She can't tell if I'm staring at her because I think she is a spectacle or because I recognize something we share."
I realize this must make her uncomfortable, so I look away. I want to say something, something that indicates I'm not staring because I'm not familiar with how she chooses to cover herself. Something that indicates that my mother dresses like her. That I grew up in an Arab state touching the Persian Gulf where the majority dresses like her. That I also face East and recite Quran when I pray.
"Should I greet her with A'salamu alaikum?" I ask myself. Then I look at what I picked out to wear on this day. A pair of distressed denim short shorts, a button-down Oxford shirt, and sandals. My hair is a big, curly entity on top of my head; still air-drying after my morning shower. Then I remember my two nose rings, one hugging my right nostril, the other snugly hanging around my septum. The rings have become a part of my face. I don't notice them until I have to blow my nose or until I meet someone not accustomed to face piercings.
I decide not to say anything to her. I pretend that we have nothing in common and that I don't understand her native tongue or the language in which she prays. The reason I don't connect with her is that I'm not prepared for a possibly judgmental glance up and down my body. I don't want to read her mind as she hesitantly responds, "Wa'alaikum a'salam."
Please read the rest of the story in here :

It's a story pretty much about Cultural Muslim,  as a Reverted Muslim myself who had been living 100% Non Muslim life before embraced Islam, I don't think Islam should become a religion that's "mix and match" based on our desire as it's a complete morality system set by Creator, a way of life.

However the response from Umm Zakiyyah is truly brilliant, in her article : PRACTICING ISLAM IN LONG, LONG PRAYER GARMENTS . As attached the original article, please enjoy reading it :

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Untold Story: My Journey Of Faith

I would like to talk about my 'Born Buddhism' background. A story that remains untold to the public. As it might be sensitive and provoking to our non believer's feelings.

Monday, March 9, 2015


I remember that someone messaged me yesterday but I can't find it in facebook and smartphone. May be I was reading text message in my dream.. Never mind, the question goes like this:

"What is the different of Non Muslim and Not Yet Muslim? Why are there people who arguing that 'Not Yet Muslim' clearly an offense to them as they will never embrace Islam. So what is the most appropriate title in calling those who aren't Muslim?"

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Islam, Racism And Hate Speech

Widespread of racism video via social media in today's era

I still remember that Cikgu Ariffin (Cikgu means teacher in Malay language) said this to me few years ago:"Whenever you go to the Masjid and listen to khutbah (Public preaching), just ignore the hate speech and racism that comes from the mouth of Ustaz. Sometimes they just mixed up the politic with Islam teachings, like there were controversial case like two imam in solat Jemaah, party A condemn party B.. You
don't have to listen that kind of hate speech, just learn the positive and good things from them."

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

There is no god except Allah and Muhammad is a messenger of Allah

The Chinese Muslim who was wearing white Jubah beside me is Muhammad Zheng, From Hans tribe of mainland China(汉族穆斯林)。The photo was taken during last year Ramadhan month, we were shooting a documentary about Chinese Muslim in TV3.

He is a very special friend of mine, I knew him during visits Masjid Muhammadiah Tasek Jaya Ipoh (Masjid Cina ) last year (half year before the shooting of documentary). He came to David and me then asked:"Are you both Chinese Muslim? Alhamdulillah.. Finally I have found a few Chinese friends in the mosque."

Friday, January 30, 2015

“Traitor”, They Said.

My book collections from China
Today my mother calls me and says: "Are you still writing stories in internet? Now most of the people may see you're Muslim in handphone.

People will be laughing at you because you are 'traitor 叛徒‘. Make our family ashamed. So you're telling public that malays religion 马来教 is so great right? "

Nope, it's not the most worst criticism I have ever heard in my life. I'm fine with it. I don't mind if there're old friends knew that I'm a Muslim now. Just go ahead do whatever they want, telling my family, criticize, making fun of.. I'm still here to tell my very own story.
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