Friday, May 27, 2011

Minta Sedekah

One day, there was a chinese uncle knocked on the office's door.
I went to ask him whether he want to give letter or request to meet officer. When I was approaching door I noticed he is wearing a kopiah. Oppss.. He is chinese muslim !!

He asked me the same question :" Erhh... Are you chinese?"
I nodded.

I spent some time to chat with him and look at his IC and Kad Islam, Nur Islam Bin Abdullah (Not real name but he don't have family name either). He embrace Islam at age 30, and now he is 47 already. Out of curious I was asking question to know more about him.

"Jadi Uncle tahu apa-apa tentang Islam tak? Saya teringin nak tahu.."
"Hehe.. Sebenarnya Uncle pun tak tahu banyak sangat pasal agama.. Tapi setiap hari jumaat uncle ada pergi itu masjid oh... Pergi sana sembahyang."

"Uncle sangat memerlukan duit untuk balik kelantan buat business masak-masak. Tapi uncle tak de duit beli tiket bus, uncle sudah 3 hari merata tempat minta sedekah tapi cukup-cukup untuk makan sahaja. Masih tiada duit balik kelantan."
"Ye ke.. Uncle nak berapa duit untuk balik sana?"

"Tak banyak, dua ratus saja...."
"Dua ratus?"

"Haiyah.. Saya ada pergi Pejabat Agama tadi, mereka marah saya teruk sangat oh !!! Uncle pun rasa malu saja kena marah itu macam. Jadi Uncle pun merata tempat merayu sedekah untuk balik kelantan, sekarang uncle tidur kat tepi jalan tiap-tiap malam."
"Kalao dua ratus saya tak de lah.."

"Tak pe, seratus pun boleh !!"
"Tapi kalao uncle betul-betul nak pertolongan dari Pejabat Agama, saya pun kenal pegawai kat situ. Mungkin dia boleh membantu uncle?"

"Tak mahu tak mahu! Saya takkan pergi ke sana lagi!" He was shouting at me.

Later on, I let him enter my office and ask sedekah from my colleagues. RM1, RM 10.. The amounts that given to him. Me myself given him RM20. He given me a no. handphone and say thanks to me. After that I never seen him anymore, no matter on the street or nearby Pejabat Agama.

Was he lying to me or he really needed some help to go back Kelantan continue his small business as cooker? If he telling truth then why he so refused when I was wanted to bring him meet somebody at Pejabat Agama?

In a matter of fact, I don't know.
I can't detect who is telling truth or lies.
If I am criticize him as lying to me but actually he is not, then I am doing fitnah.
If I am insist that he is telling truth but he was lying, then I also giving wrong statement.

The final solution for me is berprasangka baik and given him sedekah.
If he really needed help then I get Pahala, If he was lying then let Allah SWT to judge about it at akhirat.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Redefinition Of Underground Muslim

Last year I have been written about my status as “Underground Muslim” in previous post. This term have been accidentally spread among reverts muslim to describe their sensitive identity. However from the word itself also caused some unnecessary misunderstand as if “Underground Muslim”  refered to some sort of terrorist activity.

So, I am hereby to redefine the meaning of Underground Muslim.

First, what is Islam?

Kalimat Islam bermaksud tunduk dan taat. Imam Qartubi dalam al-Jamik Li ah-kamil Quran semasa mentafsirkan ayat 19 dalam surah Ali Imran,

“Sesungguhnya agama yang di sisi Allah adalah Islam” berkata, “Islam dalam ayat ini bermaksud ‘iman dan taat’. Pendapat ini berpandukan tafsiran yang dibuat oleh Imam Abu al-Aliyah dan majority ulama mutakalimun”.

At Malaysia have been many people approach Islam slowly and realized Islam is more than what they thought before, it is not just a “Brand” or so called “Jenama” to wear by and live with. The real Islam is we obey and beriman to every commands of Allah SWT. It doesn’t mean Islam have been told us to “Wear like you are Malay” or “Eat what Arabians favorite”, but we all as servants of Allah SWT are given freedom to live what kind of lifestyle we prefer.. And don’t ever try to be close with anything that already forbidden by Allah SWT.

“Dan Kami berfirman :”Hai Adam diamilah oleh kamu dan isterimu syurga ini dan makanlah makanan-makanannya yang banyak lagi baik di mana saja yang kamu sukai dan janganlah kamu dekati pohon ini yang akan menyebabkan kamu termasuk orang-orang yang zalim.”

(Al-Baqarah : 35)

At the same time, Islam also is the religion which most seriously being criticized by Media and society. Not one or two years phenomena but way long ago before Islam was preached, Prophet who preaches Tauhid will be challenged and some of them even killed. Sounds ridiculous but in reality how many muslims have been killed without reason? Hatred and lust have been driven mad those who fight for treasure that never last.

Alhamdulilah, we live peacefully at Malaysia. No oil war and being independent country. But religion issue still arouse among us silently. Non muslim society is still staying at highest hatred stage against Islam. I even have been warned by my family that don’t get too close with Malays, “Otherwise you will be pulled into Islam forcefully...” They added. Although Islam is a universal religion, especially those famous reverts from foreign country like Cat Steven AKA Yusuf Islam, Michael Jackson, and also Peter Sanders… But these foreign reverts still failed to wipe out the most wrong conception in Malaysia that anyone who embrace Islam would turn into Bangsa Melayu.

Not only failed to wipe out, but it also worsen the situation when family member found out one of them embraced Islam. Before I explain more about how family relationship broken due to embrace Islam, I would like to share one real history from Zaman Nabi :

Ammar dan orang tuanya memeluk Islam sejak awal. Mereka memeluk Islam ketika Nabi memilih rumah Arqam bin Abi Arqam sebagai markas dakwah Islam. Ketika kaum musyrik mengetahui bahawa mereka sudah menganut agama Ilahi, para penyembah berhala itu tidak berhenti menyiksa dan menganiaya mereka. 

Ibnu Al-Athir berkata, “Kaum musyrik memaksa tiga orang ini meninggalkan rumah mereka di musim panas dan menghabiskan waktu di tengah angin gurun yang panas membakar. Penyiksaan ini dilakukan berulang kali sehingga Yasir mati kerananya. Suatu hari balunya, Sumaiyah bertengkar dengan Abu Jahal di sekitar masalah ini sehingga orang bengis itu menikam jantungnya dengan tombak. Sumaiyah pun syahid. 

Nabi sangat terharu terhadap penganiayaan mereka. Suatu hari baginda melihat mereka sedang disiksa. Dengan linangan air mata baginda berkata, “Wahai keluarga Yasir! Sabarlah, kerana tempat kamu adalah syurga.”

From many of the reverts friend I knew, most of them choose to hide their Islam identity for protecting their Iman. The main reason is pressure and objection from family will be ruin their Iman and also avoid any excessive acts from family, including being killed. Dignity of family will be totally ruined if one of the family member reverted, they will be insulted and humiliated by everyone. That’s why most of the non muslim family will do whatever it takes to stop family member from embrace Islam, so far what I heard including lock their son in room for weeks, force them to eat Ba Alif Ba Yaa, or even break away their family relationship.

Also some of their parents have heart disease or any kind of it, they are unable to accept any drastic changes in son/daughter religion status. Does anyone willing to kill their parent softly by telling things they most don’t want to hear?

Therefore, between the right and wrong… Islam or Kafir, those who didn’t born as Muslim have been given choice to choose. They have been realized the real meaning of Islam, at the same time Islam is not good to deal with in their own family.

Dan kami tunjukkan kepadanya dua jalan

(Al-Balad : 10 )

In love of Islam and feeling impressed of Allah SWT, they choose to embrace Islam silently without awareness of family. Being as “Underground Muslim”, hiding their kopiah secretly and always go to the most far masjid to sembahyang Jumaat. Pretending as vegetarian to avoid eating any pork or chicken that is not sembelih.. Love to read Islamic books but it always being hide at somewhere.

Back to the story of Yasir as mentioned above…

Setelah Yasir dan isterinya syahid, kaum musyrik menyiksa dan menganiaya ‘Ammar seperti yang mereka lakukan terhadap Bilal. Untuk menyelamatkan nyawanya, tidak ada jalan lagi kecuali berpura-pura membenci Islam. Namun setelah itu dia segera bertaubat. Dengan jantung berdebar dia menjumpai Nabi dan menyampaikan peristiwa itu kepada baginda. 

Lalu Nabi bertanya, “Apakah iman kamu pudar?” Jawabnya, “Hati saya beriman sepenuhnya.” Nabi pun berkata, “Jangan hiraukan kekhuatiran sekecil apa pun dalam benak kamu. Sembunyikanlah iman kamu untuk menyelamatkan diri dari kejahatan mereka.”

Ayat berikut diturunkan sehubungan dengan iman ‘Ammar tersebut :

Barangsiapa yang kafir kepada Allah sesudah dia beriman (dia mendapat kemurkaan Allah), kecuali orang yang dipaksa kafir padahal hatinya tetap tenang dalam beriman (dia tidak berdosa), akan tetapi orang yang melapangkan dadanya untuk kekafiran, maka kemurkaan Allah menimpanya dan baginya azab yang besar.

(An-Nahl : 106)

Underground Muslim is not Munafik, but they are the muslim who striving hard in protecting their Iman. The typical case about Underground Muslim would be Maniam Moorthy, also known as Mohammad Abdullah, was a corporal in the Malaysian Army and a member of the first group of Malaysians to successfully climb Mount Everest. A Malaysian Indian born and raised Hindu, a controversy about his religion arose after his death; he was buried as a Muslim against the wishes of his wife in accordance with a Syariah Court ruling that he had embrace Islam without the knowledge of his family.

Former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mentioned few years ago that anyone who want to embrace Islam must be ask permission from their parent or family. Alhamdulilah the suggestion was not launched... Asking permission from family before embrace Islam doesn't solve the problem but worsen it. 

What Underground Muslim need is knowledge, time, money to survive and spiritual supports. Before they are going to expose themselves need lots of time in preparation. We shouldn't condemn them as not Ikhlas or Munafik because they are the one who striving very hard in approaching Islam. 

So what do you think about Underground Muslim now?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Birthday....

Today is my birthday...
Next month is my Blog "Another Chinese Muallaf..." One year anniversary too.

Alhamdulilah, thanks to Allah SWT for giving me a life to be his servant on earth.
Thanks Allah SWT for giving me Rezeki from the way I never realise.
Thanks to my mother who strives her life in give me life.
Thanks to my family who accepted me as their muslim son.

Thanks to my friends who be with me no matter muslim or non muslim.
Thanks to my blog readers who leaves a lot of comments also those who are silent readers

Been 26 years old now, still pursuing my dream and live hard as muslimin.
Slowly putting off those entertainment who wasted my lifetime, approaching more and more knowledges..

Too many sweet and sour memories
Too much to recall back
Too little to hold with

Monday, May 9, 2011

Please Don't Call Me Muallaf?

This article is continue my unfinished part from the
previos post : Muallaf? Saudara Baru? Reverted Muslim?

"Kalao bukan dipanggil muallaf, kena panggil apa pulak?"
One of the chinese muslim friend asked.

That is a good question. In a matter of fact, there is no specific name in calling chinese muslim no matter just reverted or already many years. We couldn't being called as Baba Nyonya also because that's more to Melaka unique cultural and yet they are not muslim. I am thinking about it all over and over again...

Calling reverted as "saudara baru" is not wrong, because reverted muslim are being welcome as "Saudara" just like what have been stated in Surah Al-Hujurat Ayat 10 :
Sebenarnya orang-orang yang beriman itu adalah bersaudara, maka damaikanlah di antara dua saudara kamu (yang bertelingkah) itu; dan bertaqwalah kepada Allah supaya kamu beroleh rahmat.
Also, "Muallaf" also is not a mistaken appellation to call as. Because it means "Orang yang cenderung atau lembut hatinya kepada (menerima) Islam." What's the different between me and my friends who still not embrace Islam? It's more to my heart have been soften to accept Islam is the righteous Religion, however my friends is not and hold firm to their own religion. Yup, it is true anyway.

How about "Reverted Muslim"?
Some muslim reject the word of "Convert" because it means change into another religion, but "Revert" is means we all born as Muslim... Yet we lost then found the way back to Islam, so we are "Reverted" to Islam.

From how these appellation being used, I feel that each of them is no problem to be call as. I don't condemn the different between born muslim and reverted muslim in knowledge part but in Islam, but we all must be live as the same Umat no matter what background we come from.

"Don't ask for respect, go earn it instead."
We can't force people to respect us although if someone have the power to do so. That is only cheating ourselves by doing so and yet we lose more and more respect. Yes, can't be deny everyone need the feeling of being respected. Asking someone to call us in more beautiful appellation like Dato', YB, Tuan Haji or else is a very normal phenomena in society... But if someone win the impressing appellation but act differently, what is the point of being called as "such name"? Normally we call this as "Cakap tak serupa bikin" hehe..

Earning respect is different but better way.
We don't ask for any appellation, also not trying to show off how great is our "Islamic Look". But as Muslim we keep improve our knowledge in Islam and practice it in daily life. Being patient to face every difficulty instead of blaming on others, never discuss about others ashamed gossip but more to positive speech and praise to others ability. The most interesting thing is while I was reading the book  "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" also mention that we shouldn't criticize others although the person we mentioned is not realize about it. Because it is lower our "Reputation" in front of others and lost respect, how could someone can be trusted if he/she is someone who love to criticize others? Who knows one day that someone go to gossip all of the bad things about us with others?

It seems simple but Islam already told us the "Natural Law" of live as well respected person. Earn respect, because earning is let those respect come on their own. We can't force people to respect us especially while someone dare to call us in unpleasant appellation no matter we realize or not.

Janganlah kita bersikap prasangka terhadap orang lain, walaupun kita tak mampu mengawal orang lain supaya bersangka baik kepada kita.

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jauhilah kebanyakan dari sangkaan (supaya kamu tidak menyangka sangkaan yang dilarang) kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian dari sangkaan itu adalah dosa; dan janganlah kamu mengintip atau mencari-cari kesalahan dan keaiban orang; dan janganlah setengah kamu mengumpat setengahnya yang lain. Adakah seseorang dari kamu suka memakan daging saudaranya yang telah mati? (Jika demikian keadaan mengumpat) maka sudah tentu kamu jijik kepadanya. (Oleh itu, patuhilah larangan-larangan yang tersebut) dan bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah; sesungguhnya Allah Penerima taubat, lagi Maha mengasihani.

(Al-Hujurat : 12)

Sometime being called as "Saudara Baru" is not a bad thing, depends on how the people interpret the word only. Also one day colleagues from other states asked me "Saudara Baru ke?" I just nodded.

"Saya betul2 menghormati saudara baru yang memeluk Islam, mereka sangat rajin beribadah dan belajar Islam. Kadang kala saya yang dilahirkan sebagai Islam pun rasa malu dengan saudara baru."

I smiled... I am not a tip top religious muslimin, but from the way he talked I realized that "Saudara Baru" sometime is just a symbolic name to call those not-born-muslim who embrace Islam. It's no harm at all if someone is sincere to use that appellation.

"Name", "Pangkat", "Salary" is always what society putting effort in, but how many of us still digging out the importance of Taqwa?

“Hai anak Adam, sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan kepadamu pakaian untuk menutupi auratmu dan pakaian indah untuk perhiasan. Dan pakaian taqwa itulah yang paling baik. Yang demikian itu adalah sebahagian dari tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah, mudah-mudahan mereka selalu ingat.

( Al-A’raf : 26)

Not just about what kind of Kopiah or Tudung to pick, or about the controversy between Saudara "Baru" or "Lama"... But Allah SWT already urge us to wear the more suitable wearing, that is Taqwa.

Orang bertaqwa akan sentiasa memelihara dirinya daripada semua batas dan hukum-hukum agama. Segala yang wajib dan sunat akan dilaksanakannya. Manakala segala yang haram dan makruh akan ditinggalkannya. Bukan itu sahaja malah, mereka sangat berpada-pada dengan segala yang halal kerana takut dihisab (diperhitungkan di akhirat kelak). Ini selaras dengan kata-kata Sayidina Ali: “Aku sangat berhati-hati dengan dunia kerana haramnya diazab, halalnya dihisab.”

-Genta Rasa - Pahrol Mohamad Juoi

Earning Respect instead of getting respect, and what most important is we should focus more on Pakaian Taqwa. 

Recommended Article : 

Pesan Takwa - Pahrol Mohamad Juoi

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Muallaf? Saudara Baru? Reverted Muslim?

"Kamu tahu tak kenapa masyarakat sekarang asyik memanggil orang yang memeluk Islam itu sebagai 【Mualaf】?" I was met Syukhri at Putrajaya few months ago, due to lost in this never slept city I was late about 11pm to met him.

"Hmm.. Entah, ada apa-apa maksud sebalik itu ke?"
"Masyarakaat kini selalunya memandang orang yang bertukar ke agama Islam itu ialah orang yang ilmu cetek dalam perihal Islam, ada juga orang yang telah bertahun-tahun memeluk Islam tetapi ilmunya seperti baru memeluk Islam. Maka panggilan 【mualaf】itu diberikan kepada mereka..."

"Begitu nampaknya, patutlah pendakwah Cina yang terkenal itu akan naik angin sekiranya ada orang memanggil dia 【mualaf】."

Commonly there are 3 names in calling those not-born-muslim after embrace Islam.
-Saudara Baru
-Reverted Muslim

Also, apparently this 【mualaf】have been caused few reverted muslim being annoyed and even telling others that "Saya bukan Saudara baru dah... Sudah menjadi Saudara lama..."

If refer to the Wikipedia website that edited openly by internet user, it means :

Dalam agama Islam, Mu'allaf adalah panggilan bagi individu yang bukan muslim atau bukan Islam yang mempunyai harapan masuk agama Islam atau orang yang baru masuk Islam yang imannya masih lemah.

Honestly, if someone is calling me as mualaf I will not feel angry at all.
Why? Hmm... If according to the Majalah Al Islam (Jun 2010) it have been explained the real meaning of mualaf and what role it play at Malaysia.

Click to enlarge picture

According to this article, Mualaf mean "Orang yang cenderung atau lembut hatinya kepada (menerima) Islam." So how can be this beautiful word transform into an insulting appellation? It even mentioned in at-Taubah ayat 60 sound as "wal muallafati  quluubuhum".

The problem is not the calling of "Mualaf" itself but how society in tend to perli reverted muslim no matter about knowledge or looks not so "Islamic"? It shouldn't happen at multiracial country that everyone have the choice to choose what kind of religion they want to embrace with.

Call me any name as you wish, because there are lots more annoying appellation waiting for me at non muslim society. Been 3 years reverted, I am keep walking very little steps on path of Islam, just like a kinder garden kid learning patiently in applying primary school exam huh?

I am still spending time in finishing my Iqra no. 6, not looking for any wonderful appellation but just keep Istiqamah in learning Islam. One small step for every single day, Insyaallah...
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