Friday, December 23, 2011
3rd Years Marriage Anniversary
28th December is our 3rd years Marriage Anniversary.
Since this is our great day, I would like to write something about interracial love. I was get married with wife at quite young ages, both of us was 23 years old. Actually it took a lot of effort in considering and getting married.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
I would like to wish congratulations and Alhamdulilah all praises to Allah SWT that Ng Kuan Beng and Goh Yee Mei is getting hidayah and jodoh as well. May Allah SWT guide them and family to the straight path.
For more information about them, please visit this blogpost written by Firdaus Wong Wai Hung :
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
When Religion Being Exclusive
I love blogging due to its two way interactions. Which mean I can interact directly with readers without any middleman. There was few comments really makes me think seriously about religion and life, and I would like to quote Mea comment from my post "Ana Masuk Majalah ?" as this article preface.
Berdakwah itu Kewajipan,
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Fiqah Muallaf
"Ada tak buku yang senang difahami tentang Islam?"
Semenjak email saya dipaparkan dalam blog : , saya telahpun menerima berbagai jenis email yang meminta tolong atas mendekati Islam. Antara soalan yang sering ditanya-tanya ialah ada tak buku yang senang difahami oleh pembaca mengenai Islam.
Berdakwah itu Kewajipan,
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
I Am Nujood, Age 10 And Divorced
"There you are !!" Hafeez ran into bookstore and grab my shoulder. "Alhamdulilah I found you at here too."
"Well... Why don't you give me a call? I waited so long in this shopping center and I just take a walk at bookstore."
"I forgot to bring my handphone, and I'm pretty sure this is the place I can found you." Hafeez added.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Charity Message : Single Mother Who Selling Cake
I would like to forward a charity message from brother Faisal Abdurrahman (Author of "Tuhan Untuk Semua) to readers.
Membeli sambil membantu ibu tunggal, beliau mempunyai tiga orang anak dua orang anak mengidap kanser dan seorang autisma. Kek gula hangus atau kek sarang semut dengan berat 1200 gram, harga RM20 termasuk penghantaran (Di kawasan KL). Pos Charge RM 10.For more information on ordering, please call brother Faisal at 019-356 8602
Recently I can see there are few irresponsible people who trying to ask donation with "muallaf" status. They occasionally go up and down NGO center and asking for financial help. I do admit there are a small group of people doing this for self benefit, however we shouldn't blame on every muallaf that is not sincere in embrace Islam.
Therefore I am trying to examine the status of muallaf who really needed help, insyaAllah I will publish their information at blog once confirmed their identity. Brother Faisal Abdurrahman is currently active in Hidayah Center and writing books, this charity message is confirmed by him.
charity for muallaf
Friday, October 7, 2011
Criticism Rules And Influencing
The Meaning of Criticism In Dictionary
2.the act of passing severe judgment; censure; faultfinding.
3.the act or art of analyzing and evaluating or judging the quality of a literary or artistic work, musical performance, art exhibit, dramatic production, etc.
4.a critical comment, article, or essay; critique.
5.any of various methods of studying texts or documents for the purpose of dating or reconstructing them, evaluating their authenticity, analyzing their content or style, etc.: historical criticism; literary criticism.
6.investigation of the text, origin, etc., of literary documents, especially Biblical ones: textual criticism.
Reference :
Disebabkan identiti saya sebagai cina muslim, maka semakin ramai orang ingin mengetahui lebih mengenai saya. Dalam masa yang sama mereka juga berkongsi cerita yang menarik juga. Lama kelamaan ia menjadi suatu artikel yang tertulis dalam hati saya, saya mengingati setiap cerita yang sudi dikongsikan oleh rakan baru.
Berdakwah itu Kewajipan
Friday, September 30, 2011
For My Dearest Wife
I would like to say thanks to my dearest wife that have been accompany me 3 years already in marriage. I believe we are fated to be together in journey of life. It never been easy in breaking through the barrier of races and cultural in love.
No Category
Thursday, September 22, 2011
The Myth Of "Bin Abdullah"
There's one question that I have been asked by most people.
"Is it compulsory in Islam teaching that we must put bin Abdullah at behind our family name?"
Which means, do Islam forcing those who interested to embrace Islam let go of their name? Since you told me there are no enforcement in Islam, then why Islamic law causing such conflict between faith and name?
This issue have been discussed and argued over and over again by Pendakwah Bebas, non muslim politician, NGO and also the minority Reverted Muslim. This issue can be very sensitive and I would like to explain the myth of "Bin Abdullah" in most perspective way.
Berdakwah itu Kewajipan
Monday, September 5, 2011
Menyambut Bulan Syawal dengan hikmahNya
Her name remained unknown for 17 years yet amazed the whole world.
It was 3 Syawal night, also means 1 September 2011.. One day after Hari Merdeka. I was standing in front of a burger stall at Kepala Batas city, Penang. While my wife and daughter were staying in the car.. I was looking at the Kalimah Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW logo that sticked at stall's glass cupboard. Indeed it is rare to see any burger stall with islamic stickers.
Buying burger at roadside was not our first aim.. I was intended to bring my wife and daughter to have some delicious dinner at restaurant, especially it was a great family moment in celebrating bulan syawal. While we reached Fried Chicken fast food restaurant, every queue line was long till entrance.. The hall was full of people standing still and sweating a bit. After we waiting for 20 minutes and queue remain unmoved, we went out from restaurant and look for other alternatives.
Diary Life As Muallaf
Friday, August 26, 2011
Being Published at Majalah (Edisi September 2011)
Syukur Alhamdulilah, kali kedua cerita kisah benar saya telahpun dipaparkan dalam media. Amat besar rahmatnya apabila blog kerdil ini juga boleh menjadi perhatian Media.
Being Published At Media
Thursday, August 4, 2011
My Lifetime Fasting Journey
"Orang Islam bersembahyang berapa kali pada setiap hari?"
I was sitting at the Pejabat Agama Ipoh counter, the officer asked me questions after I inform him that I wanted to embrace Islam. Mohd Azlan and Shiema were accompany me at behind. It was way back to 2008 year second weeks of Bulan Ramadhan.
There was one indian girl sitting besides foreign man at counter too, what I see was the officer muttering at her. "Kamu ni tudung pun tak pakai, kuku panjang pun tak potong, macam ni ke kamu mahu masuk Islam? Kalao masuk Islam main-main saja, lebih baik kamu balik!"
Diary Life As Muallaf,
embrace islam
Friday, July 29, 2011
Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak
Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak !!!
I would like to recommend "Dates" or known as Kumar to those who still learning to puasa. This fruit is a special middle east products that helps a lot during fasting month. As we all know during fasting we stopped eating and drinking for 14 hours after eating breakfast sahur, so our blood sugar also going down...
Diriwayatkan dari Salman bin Amir, bahwa sesungguhnya Nabi saw. telah bersabda : Apabila salah seorang diantara kamu puasa hendaklah berbuka dengan kurma, bila tidak ada kurma hendaklah dengan air, sesungguhnya air itu bersih. ( H.R : Ahmad dan At-Tirmidzi )
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Islam In Malaysia : Perceptions And Facts
I have to agree that this book is wonderful.
The best book in describing the relationship between Islam and local Muslims. There are lots of twisted puzzle in mind have been solved, especially the issue like "bin Abdullah", Are non-Muslims allowed to enter mosques? and more....
However I bought the original script in BM language, titled as Mengemudi Bahtera Perubahan Minda.
I still prefer to read in BM, write in English.
What a sweet languages conflict.
CLICK here for preview 3 Chapters
For more details about this book:
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Fighting Islam or Finding Islam?
"How about I reading books about your religion, and you reading about Islam?"
"No way. You should forget everything about Islam, then come to study my religion."
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
My Publication At Majalah i Mei
For those who missed Majalah i Mei, the good news is I scanned the article and share it out ~ The bad news is my face is being blurred.. I don't really love to show my face at internet, most important is what article written about me.
Click on each picture to enlarge, then leaving comments about this...
Click on each picture to enlarge, then leaving comments about this...
Being Published At Media
Monday, July 4, 2011
Another Islamic Kopitiam
Currently I am organizing a virtual "Kopitiam" at Facebook.
Another Islamic Kopitiam
As we all know, kopitiam is an interesting place for customers to drop by and share their thoughts while drinking coffee, even those people who drinking coffee alone also enlighten by others chit chat conversation.
This facebook group is viewable by everyone even if don't have a facebook account. What I trying to achieve is connecting every reverts muslim, born muslim or even non muslim thoughts under one Kopitiam.
I also have my gangs of reverted Muslim friend, and we are eager to know more Reverts Muslim out there.
If you have question to ask about Islam, any video or webpages to share, or just about anything... Do drop some words at there!!
(Any political and humiliating comments will be removed)
Friday, July 1, 2011
Apologize From AL-ISLAM
Click to enlarge Letter
About the photo stuff... Actually I didn't mean to ask for any compensation.
All I asked is just a declaration and apologize from them.
Yes, thanks to Google Image... My hand is broadcast to whole world at first page result with keyword "Muallaf Kahwin".
aduh... gambar amoi pun termasuk dalam search result kew?
Sekali lagi untuk makluman pihak saudara dan keluarga, pihak kami juga tidak mengenali empunya "Tangan" tersebut apatah lagi kisah di sebalik cerita gambar yang disiarkan sehinggalah kami menerima surat saudara. Ia hanya sebagai gambar hiasan semata-mata.
I admit this is funny... Yup I also can't blame on them because the picture the searched can be anyone from foreign country. Where even if they took it also no one realize or care about it. This is just another "Internet Image"...
However, I am not going to reply any letter or call to them anymore.
Life is complicated, I have much more challenges to face in my life.
Apologize accepted.
Being Published At Media
Monday, June 27, 2011
Ana Masuk Majalah Al-Islam (?)
"salam buat saudara baru
cerita tentang lalat pula buat ikhwan ng.."
cerita tentang lalat pula buat ikhwan ng.."
Mae leave this comment in my blog, then I am looking for any related info about Lalat. Last saturday went out with my wife and daughter having breakfast, what a beautiful morning breeze... The radio is playing my favorite song, it sounds like this.
Being Published At Media
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Rearranging My Mind
My thoughts are temporary jammed.
There are a lot of thoughts stuck in my mind and I am still can't arranging them out.
Whenever I was try to write something out, there will be people who asking me misleading question. The most typical case would be Jihad.. Even if I am trying to convince more about Islam, their unbeatable conclusion is : "You must be brainwashed."
That's the challenges to become reverted muslim, everyday have to keep on study Islam knowledge as a protection for my Iman. The more knowledge I learn, the larger of world turn out to be. Eventually I have been found out I am just chasing my tail.
Yup, chasing my own tail...
Because I was keep on finding answer in specific question, after answered they throw away another doubt to confuse my thought. There is no "doubt" in Islam, what turn out to be doubt is due to their intensive statement in manipulating the right become wrong. While reading through al-Quran they intend to look for keyword "war" or "peperangan", then they using their horrible skill to transform them into "Holy War" or terrorist theory.
I stopped and stand still, trying to look for their hidden intention.
Who is behind the scene? Why Islam is their target? Where they spread the misleading statement?
Who set the fire?
Diary Life As Muallaf
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Adat Istiadat Dalam Islam
After writtent the Chopstick issue, apparently most of us started to question about Sunnah Nabi that mentioned eating with hand. Between hand and spoon which one is better? Do Islam asked us to abandon every races tradition that not against syariat Islam?
Monday, June 13, 2011
Being Debate About Purity Of Islam
Recently I have been debating by few people about Islam.
One of them is Mr. Jeff in previous post Ajaran Sesat comments, who claims as born muslim and finally found out Islam is wrong.
Salam Ng,
You accused us the one who follow the ajaran sesat in your Blog. Can't we defend our self and explain why we act like that. Just like you, I used to pray 5 times a day, twice go to Mecca. But, after studying the Quran carefully for numbers of years, I found out that all religion are the same. They promote idol worshipping, follow their religious expert such as priest, ulamak, monk etc, and to do the silly ritual which did not bring any benefit to the community.
Berdakwah itu Kewajipan
Friday, June 10, 2011
Digi WWWOW AWARDS : Please vote for me ...
If you like my blog, Please Vote for me !!!!
Link :
For the first time Digi is managing Blog Contest...
I am not really a techie in beautify my blog lah, while browsing others blog are quite professional. However winning is not my purpose, just want to declare more about the "myth" and doubt in muallaf mind.
No Category
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Chopstick - The State of Art
I still remember everytime Chinese New Year I was following family to my grand ma house. We spent 3-4 days staying at there and having lunch together at round table. Recalls my memory while I was just 7 years old, still learning how to use chopsticks.
"Grand Ma makan."
"Uncle makan.."
"Aunty makan..."
"Ayah Makan..."
"Mak Makan......"
Meal only can be started after younger siblings invite elders by "Jemput Makan".
Everyone were start eating their meal and my dilemma cames... A bowl of white rice and pair of chopstick put in front of me, I was gossip to my mother :" Why there are no spoon and fork ???" My mother was angry and put chopsticks in my hand :"Don't ask too much, your grand ma don't like people eating rice with spoon... Just use it."
Berdakwah itu Kewajipan
Kelab Taat Suami ???
While on the way to office, I turn up radio and seems media are condemning "Kelab Taat Suami" in an official way.
RAWANG, 4 Jun — Kesediaan isteri untuk patuh dan memenuhi keperluan seks suami masing-masing akan membantu mengelak mereka daripada berlaku curang ataupun mencari pelacur — mesej ini yang hendak disampaikan oleh Kelab Taat Suami, yang dilancarkan hari ini untuk mengatasi masalah sosial di seluruh dunia.
Click : Full news at here
This club is held up by Global Ikhwan (Not Me) and also known as bekas pengikut kumpulan Al-Arqam.. I also can predict non muslim are preparing to condemn Islam through all kind of ways, although Islam never ask woman to act like Pelacur or worst.
Please read Sis NurAliya about this issue at Isteri Solehah atau Isteri taat suami?
Friday, May 27, 2011
Minta Sedekah
One day, there was a chinese uncle knocked on the office's door.
I went to ask him whether he want to give letter or request to meet officer. When I was approaching door I noticed he is wearing a kopiah. Oppss.. He is chinese muslim !!
He asked me the same question :" Erhh... Are you chinese?"
I nodded.
I spent some time to chat with him and look at his IC and Kad Islam, Nur Islam Bin Abdullah (Not real name but he don't have family name either). He embrace Islam at age 30, and now he is 47 already. Out of curious I was asking question to know more about him.
"Jadi Uncle tahu apa-apa tentang Islam tak? Saya teringin nak tahu.."
"Hehe.. Sebenarnya Uncle pun tak tahu banyak sangat pasal agama.. Tapi setiap hari jumaat uncle ada pergi itu masjid oh... Pergi sana sembahyang."
"Uncle sangat memerlukan duit untuk balik kelantan buat business masak-masak. Tapi uncle tak de duit beli tiket bus, uncle sudah 3 hari merata tempat minta sedekah tapi cukup-cukup untuk makan sahaja. Masih tiada duit balik kelantan."
"Ye ke.. Uncle nak berapa duit untuk balik sana?"
"Tak banyak, dua ratus saja...."
"Dua ratus?"
"Haiyah.. Saya ada pergi Pejabat Agama tadi, mereka marah saya teruk sangat oh !!! Uncle pun rasa malu saja kena marah itu macam. Jadi Uncle pun merata tempat merayu sedekah untuk balik kelantan, sekarang uncle tidur kat tepi jalan tiap-tiap malam."
"Kalao dua ratus saya tak de lah.."
"Tak pe, seratus pun boleh !!"
"Tapi kalao uncle betul-betul nak pertolongan dari Pejabat Agama, saya pun kenal pegawai kat situ. Mungkin dia boleh membantu uncle?"
"Tak mahu tak mahu! Saya takkan pergi ke sana lagi!" He was shouting at me.
Later on, I let him enter my office and ask sedekah from my colleagues. RM1, RM 10.. The amounts that given to him. Me myself given him RM20. He given me a no. handphone and say thanks to me. After that I never seen him anymore, no matter on the street or nearby Pejabat Agama.
Was he lying to me or he really needed some help to go back Kelantan continue his small business as cooker? If he telling truth then why he so refused when I was wanted to bring him meet somebody at Pejabat Agama?
In a matter of fact, I don't know.
I can't detect who is telling truth or lies.
If I am criticize him as lying to me but actually he is not, then I am doing fitnah.
If I am insist that he is telling truth but he was lying, then I also giving wrong statement.
The final solution for me is berprasangka baik and given him sedekah.
If he really needed help then I get Pahala, If he was lying then let Allah SWT to judge about it at akhirat.
Diary Life As Muallaf
Friday, May 20, 2011
The Redefinition Of Underground Muslim
Last year I have been written about my status as “Underground Muslim” in previous post. This term have been accidentally spread among reverts muslim to describe their sensitive identity. However from the word itself also caused some unnecessary misunderstand as if “Underground Muslim” refered to some sort of terrorist activity.
So, I am hereby to redefine the meaning of Underground Muslim.
First, what is Islam?
Kalimat Islam bermaksud tunduk dan taat. Imam Qartubi dalam al-Jamik Li ah-kamil Quran semasa mentafsirkan ayat 19 dalam surah Ali Imran,
“Sesungguhnya agama yang di sisi Allah adalah Islam” berkata, “Islam dalam ayat ini bermaksud ‘iman dan taat’. Pendapat ini berpandukan tafsiran yang dibuat oleh Imam Abu al-Aliyah dan majority ulama mutakalimun”.
At Malaysia have been many people approach Islam slowly and realized Islam is more than what they thought before, it is not just a “Brand” or so called “Jenama” to wear by and live with. The real Islam is we obey and beriman to every commands of Allah SWT. It doesn’t mean Islam have been told us to “Wear like you are Malay” or “Eat what Arabians favorite”, but we all as servants of Allah SWT are given freedom to live what kind of lifestyle we prefer.. And don’t ever try to be close with anything that already forbidden by Allah SWT.
“Dan Kami berfirman :”Hai Adam diamilah oleh kamu dan isterimu syurga ini dan makanlah makanan-makanannya yang banyak lagi baik di mana saja yang kamu sukai dan janganlah kamu dekati pohon ini yang akan menyebabkan kamu termasuk orang-orang yang zalim.”
(Al-Baqarah : 35)
At the same time, Islam also is the religion which most seriously being criticized by Media and society. Not one or two years phenomena but way long ago before Islam was preached, Prophet who preaches Tauhid will be challenged and some of them even killed. Sounds ridiculous but in reality how many muslims have been killed without reason? Hatred and lust have been driven mad those who fight for treasure that never last.
Alhamdulilah, we live peacefully at Malaysia. No oil war and being independent country. But religion issue still arouse among us silently. Non muslim society is still staying at highest hatred stage against Islam. I even have been warned by my family that don’t get too close with Malays, “Otherwise you will be pulled into Islam forcefully...” They added. Although Islam is a universal religion, especially those famous reverts from foreign country like Cat Steven AKA Yusuf Islam, Michael Jackson, and also Peter Sanders… But these foreign reverts still failed to wipe out the most wrong conception in Malaysia that anyone who embrace Islam would turn into Bangsa Melayu.
Not only failed to wipe out, but it also worsen the situation when family member found out one of them embraced Islam. Before I explain more about how family relationship broken due to embrace Islam, I would like to share one real history from Zaman Nabi :
Ammar dan orang tuanya memeluk Islam sejak awal. Mereka memeluk Islam ketika Nabi memilih rumah Arqam bin Abi Arqam sebagai markas dakwah Islam. Ketika kaum musyrik mengetahui bahawa mereka sudah menganut agama Ilahi, para penyembah berhala itu tidak berhenti menyiksa dan menganiaya mereka.
Ibnu Al-Athir berkata, “Kaum musyrik memaksa tiga orang ini meninggalkan rumah mereka di musim panas dan menghabiskan waktu di tengah angin gurun yang panas membakar. Penyiksaan ini dilakukan berulang kali sehingga Yasir mati kerananya. Suatu hari balunya, Sumaiyah bertengkar dengan Abu Jahal di sekitar masalah ini sehingga orang bengis itu menikam jantungnya dengan tombak. Sumaiyah pun syahid.
Nabi sangat terharu terhadap penganiayaan mereka. Suatu hari baginda melihat mereka sedang disiksa. Dengan linangan air mata baginda berkata, “Wahai keluarga Yasir! Sabarlah, kerana tempat kamu adalah syurga.”
From many of the reverts friend I knew, most of them choose to hide their Islam identity for protecting their Iman. The main reason is pressure and objection from family will be ruin their Iman and also avoid any excessive acts from family, including being killed. Dignity of family will be totally ruined if one of the family member reverted, they will be insulted and humiliated by everyone. That’s why most of the non muslim family will do whatever it takes to stop family member from embrace Islam, so far what I heard including lock their son in room for weeks, force them to eat Ba Alif Ba Yaa, or even break away their family relationship.
Also some of their parents have heart disease or any kind of it, they are unable to accept any drastic changes in son/daughter religion status. Does anyone willing to kill their parent softly by telling things they most don’t want to hear?
Therefore, between the right and wrong… Islam or Kafir, those who didn’t born as Muslim have been given choice to choose. They have been realized the real meaning of Islam, at the same time Islam is not good to deal with in their own family.
Dan kami tunjukkan kepadanya dua jalan
(Al-Balad : 10 )
In love of Islam and feeling impressed of Allah SWT, they choose to embrace Islam silently without awareness of family. Being as “Underground Muslim”, hiding their kopiah secretly and always go to the most far masjid to sembahyang Jumaat. Pretending as vegetarian to avoid eating any pork or chicken that is not sembelih.. Love to read Islamic books but it always being hide at somewhere.
Back to the story of Yasir as mentioned above…
Setelah Yasir dan isterinya syahid, kaum musyrik menyiksa dan menganiaya ‘Ammar seperti yang mereka lakukan terhadap Bilal. Untuk menyelamatkan nyawanya, tidak ada jalan lagi kecuali berpura-pura membenci Islam. Namun setelah itu dia segera bertaubat. Dengan jantung berdebar dia menjumpai Nabi dan menyampaikan peristiwa itu kepada baginda.
Dan kami tunjukkan kepadanya dua jalan
(Al-Balad : 10 )
In love of Islam and feeling impressed of Allah SWT, they choose to embrace Islam silently without awareness of family. Being as “Underground Muslim”, hiding their kopiah secretly and always go to the most far masjid to sembahyang Jumaat. Pretending as vegetarian to avoid eating any pork or chicken that is not sembelih.. Love to read Islamic books but it always being hide at somewhere.
Back to the story of Yasir as mentioned above…
Setelah Yasir dan isterinya syahid, kaum musyrik menyiksa dan menganiaya ‘Ammar seperti yang mereka lakukan terhadap Bilal. Untuk menyelamatkan nyawanya, tidak ada jalan lagi kecuali berpura-pura membenci Islam. Namun setelah itu dia segera bertaubat. Dengan jantung berdebar dia menjumpai Nabi dan menyampaikan peristiwa itu kepada baginda.
Lalu Nabi bertanya, “Apakah iman kamu pudar?” Jawabnya, “Hati saya beriman sepenuhnya.” Nabi pun berkata, “Jangan hiraukan kekhuatiran sekecil apa pun dalam benak kamu. Sembunyikanlah iman kamu untuk menyelamatkan diri dari kejahatan mereka.”
Ayat berikut diturunkan sehubungan dengan iman ‘Ammar tersebut :
Ayat berikut diturunkan sehubungan dengan iman ‘Ammar tersebut :
Barangsiapa yang kafir kepada Allah sesudah dia beriman (dia mendapat kemurkaan Allah), kecuali orang yang dipaksa kafir padahal hatinya tetap tenang dalam beriman (dia tidak berdosa), akan tetapi orang yang melapangkan dadanya untuk kekafiran, maka kemurkaan Allah menimpanya dan baginya azab yang besar.
(An-Nahl : 106)
Underground Muslim is not Munafik, but they are the muslim who striving hard in protecting their Iman. The typical case about Underground Muslim would be Maniam Moorthy, also known as Mohammad Abdullah, was a corporal in the Malaysian Army and a member of the first group of Malaysians to successfully climb Mount Everest. A Malaysian Indian born and raised Hindu, a controversy about his religion arose after his death; he was buried as a Muslim against the wishes of his wife in accordance with a Syariah Court ruling that he had embrace Islam without the knowledge of his family.
Former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mentioned few years ago that anyone who want to embrace Islam must be ask permission from their parent or family. Alhamdulilah the suggestion was not launched... Asking permission from family before embrace Islam doesn't solve the problem but worsen it.
What Underground Muslim need is knowledge, time, money to survive and spiritual supports. Before they are going to expose themselves need lots of time in preparation. We shouldn't condemn them as not Ikhlas or Munafik because they are the one who striving very hard in approaching Islam.
So what do you think about Underground Muslim now?
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
My Birthday....
Today is my birthday...
Next month is my Blog "Another Chinese Muallaf..." One year anniversary too.
Alhamdulilah, thanks to Allah SWT for giving me a life to be his servant on earth.
Thanks Allah SWT for giving me Rezeki from the way I never realise.
Thanks to my mother who strives her life in give me life.
Thanks to my family who accepted me as their muslim son.
Thanks to my friends who be with me no matter muslim or non muslim.
Thanks to my blog readers who leaves a lot of comments also those who are silent readers
Been 26 years old now, still pursuing my dream and live hard as muslimin.
Slowly putting off those entertainment who wasted my lifetime, approaching more and more knowledges..
Too many sweet and sour memories
Too much to recall back
Too little to hold with
Next month is my Blog "Another Chinese Muallaf..." One year anniversary too.
Alhamdulilah, thanks to Allah SWT for giving me a life to be his servant on earth.
Thanks Allah SWT for giving me Rezeki from the way I never realise.
Thanks to my mother who strives her life in give me life.
Thanks to my family who accepted me as their muslim son.
Thanks to my friends who be with me no matter muslim or non muslim.
Thanks to my blog readers who leaves a lot of comments also those who are silent readers
Been 26 years old now, still pursuing my dream and live hard as muslimin.
Slowly putting off those entertainment who wasted my lifetime, approaching more and more knowledges..
Too many sweet and sour memories
Too much to recall back
Too little to hold with
Diary Life As Muallaf
Monday, May 9, 2011
Please Don't Call Me Muallaf?
This article is continue my unfinished part from the
previos post : Muallaf? Saudara Baru? Reverted Muslim?
"Kalao bukan dipanggil muallaf, kena panggil apa pulak?"
One of the chinese muslim friend asked.
That is a good question. In a matter of fact, there is no specific name in calling chinese muslim no matter just reverted or already many years. We couldn't being called as Baba Nyonya also because that's more to Melaka unique cultural and yet they are not muslim. I am thinking about it all over and over again...
Calling reverted as "saudara baru" is not wrong, because reverted muslim are being welcome as "Saudara" just like what have been stated in Surah Al-Hujurat Ayat 10 :
Sebenarnya orang-orang yang beriman itu adalah bersaudara, maka damaikanlah di antara dua saudara kamu (yang bertelingkah) itu; dan bertaqwalah kepada Allah supaya kamu beroleh rahmat.Also, "Muallaf" also is not a mistaken appellation to call as. Because it means "Orang yang cenderung atau lembut hatinya kepada (menerima) Islam." What's the different between me and my friends who still not embrace Islam? It's more to my heart have been soften to accept Islam is the righteous Religion, however my friends is not and hold firm to their own religion. Yup, it is true anyway.
How about "Reverted Muslim"?
Some muslim reject the word of "Convert" because it means change into another religion, but "Revert" is means we all born as Muslim... Yet we lost then found the way back to Islam, so we are "Reverted" to Islam.
From how these appellation being used, I feel that each of them is no problem to be call as. I don't condemn the different between born muslim and reverted muslim in knowledge part but in Islam, but we all must be live as the same Umat no matter what background we come from.
"Don't ask for respect, go earn it instead."
We can't force people to respect us although if someone have the power to do so. That is only cheating ourselves by doing so and yet we lose more and more respect. Yes, can't be deny everyone need the feeling of being respected. Asking someone to call us in more beautiful appellation like Dato', YB, Tuan Haji or else is a very normal phenomena in society... But if someone win the impressing appellation but act differently, what is the point of being called as "such name"? Normally we call this as "Cakap tak serupa bikin" hehe..
Earning respect is different but better way.
We don't ask for any appellation, also not trying to show off how great is our "Islamic Look". But as Muslim we keep improve our knowledge in Islam and practice it in daily life. Being patient to face every difficulty instead of blaming on others, never discuss about others ashamed gossip but more to positive speech and praise to others ability. The most interesting thing is while I was reading the book "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" also mention that we shouldn't criticize others although the person we mentioned is not realize about it. Because it is lower our "Reputation" in front of others and lost respect, how could someone can be trusted if he/she is someone who love to criticize others? Who knows one day that someone go to gossip all of the bad things about us with others?
It seems simple but Islam already told us the "Natural Law" of live as well respected person. Earn respect, because earning is let those respect come on their own. We can't force people to respect us especially while someone dare to call us in unpleasant appellation no matter we realize or not.
Janganlah kita bersikap prasangka terhadap orang lain, walaupun kita tak mampu mengawal orang lain supaya bersangka baik kepada kita.
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jauhilah kebanyakan dari sangkaan (supaya kamu tidak menyangka sangkaan yang dilarang) kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian dari sangkaan itu adalah dosa; dan janganlah kamu mengintip atau mencari-cari kesalahan dan keaiban orang; dan janganlah setengah kamu mengumpat setengahnya yang lain. Adakah seseorang dari kamu suka memakan daging saudaranya yang telah mati? (Jika demikian keadaan mengumpat) maka sudah tentu kamu jijik kepadanya. (Oleh itu, patuhilah larangan-larangan yang tersebut) dan bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah; sesungguhnya Allah Penerima taubat, lagi Maha mengasihani.
(Al-Hujurat : 12)
Sometime being called as "Saudara Baru" is not a bad thing, depends on how the people interpret the word only. Also one day colleagues from other states asked me "Saudara Baru ke?" I just nodded.
"Saya betul2 menghormati saudara baru yang memeluk Islam, mereka sangat rajin beribadah dan belajar Islam. Kadang kala saya yang dilahirkan sebagai Islam pun rasa malu dengan saudara baru."
I smiled... I am not a tip top religious muslimin, but from the way he talked I realized that "Saudara Baru" sometime is just a symbolic name to call those not-born-muslim who embrace Islam. It's no harm at all if someone is sincere to use that appellation.
"Name", "Pangkat", "Salary" is always what society putting effort in, but how many of us still digging out the importance of Taqwa?
“Hai anak Adam, sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan kepadamu pakaian untuk menutupi auratmu dan pakaian indah untuk perhiasan. Dan pakaian taqwa itulah yang paling baik. Yang demikian itu adalah sebahagian dari tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah, mudah-mudahan mereka selalu ingat.
( Al-A’raf : 26)
Not just about what kind of Kopiah or Tudung to pick, or about the controversy between Saudara "Baru" or "Lama"... But Allah SWT already urge us to wear the more suitable wearing, that is Taqwa.
Orang bertaqwa akan sentiasa memelihara dirinya daripada semua batas dan hukum-hukum agama. Segala yang wajib dan sunat akan dilaksanakannya. Manakala segala yang haram dan makruh akan ditinggalkannya. Bukan itu sahaja malah, mereka sangat berpada-pada dengan segala yang halal kerana takut dihisab (diperhitungkan di akhirat kelak). Ini selaras dengan kata-kata Sayidina Ali: “Aku sangat berhati-hati dengan dunia kerana haramnya diazab, halalnya dihisab.”
-Genta Rasa - Pahrol Mohamad Juoi
Earning Respect instead of getting respect, and what most important is we should focus more on Pakaian Taqwa.
Recommended Article :
Pesan Takwa - Pahrol Mohamad Juoi
Janganlah kita bersikap prasangka terhadap orang lain, walaupun kita tak mampu mengawal orang lain supaya bersangka baik kepada kita.
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jauhilah kebanyakan dari sangkaan (supaya kamu tidak menyangka sangkaan yang dilarang) kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian dari sangkaan itu adalah dosa; dan janganlah kamu mengintip atau mencari-cari kesalahan dan keaiban orang; dan janganlah setengah kamu mengumpat setengahnya yang lain. Adakah seseorang dari kamu suka memakan daging saudaranya yang telah mati? (Jika demikian keadaan mengumpat) maka sudah tentu kamu jijik kepadanya. (Oleh itu, patuhilah larangan-larangan yang tersebut) dan bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah; sesungguhnya Allah Penerima taubat, lagi Maha mengasihani.
(Al-Hujurat : 12)
Sometime being called as "Saudara Baru" is not a bad thing, depends on how the people interpret the word only. Also one day colleagues from other states asked me "Saudara Baru ke?" I just nodded.
"Saya betul2 menghormati saudara baru yang memeluk Islam, mereka sangat rajin beribadah dan belajar Islam. Kadang kala saya yang dilahirkan sebagai Islam pun rasa malu dengan saudara baru."
I smiled... I am not a tip top religious muslimin, but from the way he talked I realized that "Saudara Baru" sometime is just a symbolic name to call those not-born-muslim who embrace Islam. It's no harm at all if someone is sincere to use that appellation.
"Name", "Pangkat", "Salary" is always what society putting effort in, but how many of us still digging out the importance of Taqwa?
“Hai anak Adam, sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan kepadamu pakaian untuk menutupi auratmu dan pakaian indah untuk perhiasan. Dan pakaian taqwa itulah yang paling baik. Yang demikian itu adalah sebahagian dari tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah, mudah-mudahan mereka selalu ingat.
( Al-A’raf : 26)
Not just about what kind of Kopiah or Tudung to pick, or about the controversy between Saudara "Baru" or "Lama"... But Allah SWT already urge us to wear the more suitable wearing, that is Taqwa.
Orang bertaqwa akan sentiasa memelihara dirinya daripada semua batas dan hukum-hukum agama. Segala yang wajib dan sunat akan dilaksanakannya. Manakala segala yang haram dan makruh akan ditinggalkannya. Bukan itu sahaja malah, mereka sangat berpada-pada dengan segala yang halal kerana takut dihisab (diperhitungkan di akhirat kelak). Ini selaras dengan kata-kata Sayidina Ali: “Aku sangat berhati-hati dengan dunia kerana haramnya diazab, halalnya dihisab.”
-Genta Rasa - Pahrol Mohamad Juoi
Earning Respect instead of getting respect, and what most important is we should focus more on Pakaian Taqwa.
Recommended Article :
Pesan Takwa - Pahrol Mohamad Juoi
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Muallaf? Saudara Baru? Reverted Muslim?
"Kamu tahu tak kenapa masyarakat sekarang asyik memanggil orang yang memeluk Islam itu sebagai 【Mualaf】?" I was met Syukhri at Putrajaya few months ago, due to lost in this never slept city I was late about 11pm to met him.
"Hmm.. Entah, ada apa-apa maksud sebalik itu ke?"
"Masyarakaat kini selalunya memandang orang yang bertukar ke agama Islam itu ialah orang yang ilmu cetek dalam perihal Islam, ada juga orang yang telah bertahun-tahun memeluk Islam tetapi ilmunya seperti baru memeluk Islam. Maka panggilan 【mualaf】itu diberikan kepada mereka..."
"Begitu nampaknya, patutlah pendakwah Cina yang terkenal itu akan naik angin sekiranya ada orang memanggil dia 【mualaf】."
Commonly there are 3 names in calling those not-born-muslim after embrace Islam.
-Saudara Baru
-Reverted Muslim
Also, apparently this 【mualaf】have been caused few reverted muslim being annoyed and even telling others that "Saya bukan Saudara baru dah... Sudah menjadi Saudara lama..."
If refer to the Wikipedia website that edited openly by internet user, it means :
Dalam agama Islam, Mu'allaf adalah panggilan bagi individu yang bukan muslim atau bukan Islam yang mempunyai harapan masuk agama Islam atau orang yang baru masuk Islam yang imannya masih lemah.
Honestly, if someone is calling me as mualaf I will not feel angry at all.
Why? Hmm... If according to the Majalah Al Islam (Jun 2010) it have been explained the real meaning of mualaf and what role it play at Malaysia.
Click to enlarge picture
According to this article, Mualaf mean "Orang yang cenderung atau lembut hatinya kepada (menerima) Islam." So how can be this beautiful word transform into an insulting appellation? It even mentioned in at-Taubah ayat 60 sound as "wal muallafati quluubuhum".
The problem is not the calling of "Mualaf" itself but how society in tend to perli reverted muslim no matter about knowledge or looks not so "Islamic"? It shouldn't happen at multiracial country that everyone have the choice to choose what kind of religion they want to embrace with.
Call me any name as you wish, because there are lots more annoying appellation waiting for me at non muslim society. Been 3 years reverted, I am keep walking very little steps on path of Islam, just like a kinder garden kid learning patiently in applying primary school exam huh?
I am still spending time in finishing my Iqra no. 6, not looking for any wonderful appellation but just keep Istiqamah in learning Islam. One small step for every single day, Insyaallah...
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Being published in Majalah i (Bulan Mei)
Telahpun menulis blog hampir setahun, semakin berkenalan ramai rakan yang berjinak-jinak mengenali Islam serta bertanya masalah dalam mengendalikan masalah status muslim mualaf. Pada masa yang sama saya juga menerima segelintir komen yang melontarkan kritikan dan penafian dalam blog saya.
Siapa sangka... Penulisan blog semata-mata juga telah menarik perhatian wartawan Majalah i untuk menyiarkan cerita pengislaman saya dalam bahagian Hidayah Ilahi.
Syukur Alhamdulilah, saya telahpun mengambil langkah yang terbaik demi Allah SWT. Atas dorongan daripada seorang rakan yang turut menggalakkan saya memulakan Blogging, kemudian saya tenggelam dalam Yes ataupun NO selama berbulan-bulan.
"Menulis blog je.. Mungkin ia akan memberikan manfaat kepada muslim"
"Usah payah menulis, siapa yang akan berminat pun?"
Selepas beberapa bulan teragak-agak dalam penulisan Blog, akhirnya saya telahpun memulakan penulisan Blog pada tahun lepas bulan Jun. Begitu banyak komen yang memberikan dorongan dan sokongan untuk teruskan penulisan blog saya, juga ada yang berkongsi pengalaman mereka sebagai muallaf yang berusaha mencorakkan kehidupan baru.
Akhir kata, jutaan ucapan terima kasih diucapkan kepada rakan-rakan saya sama ada dalam realiti ataupun facebook/blog yang memberikan sokongan dan dorongan kepada saya dalam penulisan blog yang amat kerdil ini. Semoga Allah SWT akan terus membuka hati pintu hambaNya demi menuju jalan yang lurus, amiin.
Demi memelihara hak cipta Majalah i, dipersilakan pembaca kalian membeli satu salinan majalah i untuk membaca artikel mengenai saya.
(Malunya melihat gambar sendiri dalam majalah huhuhu, siap zoom sehingga setengah page lagi)
Being Published At Media
Monday, April 25, 2011
Learning Islam, but not born as Muslim
What's the feeling of not learning Islam like born Muslim?
I mean.. I never attended any Islamic class before since kindergarden till graduated. No matter what student's religion except Islam we all have to learn Pendidikan Moral. The most neutral class for various kind of religion followers.. While I was standard 4 my friend keep on argue funny question with teacher in Moral Lesson :" Cikgu, kalao kita dah tahu orang tu mengejek-ejek kita bersama kawan.. Kenapa kita masih perlu memohon dia menjadi kawan baik kita supaya apa tu... 'Menjalin hubungan baik sesama kawan'?? Tak logik langsung pendidikan moral ini.. "Finally my friend being scolded :" Kamu baca sahaja, jangan tanya banyak! Itulah jawapan yang dituliskan dalam buku teks, hafalkan saja!"
Although his question is very funny but what he really argue is : Do we need to follow something blindly while at the same time we are capable to think and make better decision?
My another friend also told me that he is very admire those who are born muslim. The reason he told me is :" You just look at those born muslim, they can learn Iqra and Tajwid at school, also many important thing like sembahyang and fardu ain. Look at us lah... We are already out of the school and hardly find islamic class, sometime we don't even have time to spend in learning more about Islam."
Sure it's very hard to learn Islam after step into University Pengalaman, everyday barely have time to learn more about Islam. At the same time I realize that I am not just learn Islam on books but everything that surrounding me. Including how Syariah law controlling community and social conflicts, muslim way of giving blesses and cooperate in daily life, isu Riba and how we can avoid from it by choose the right bank scheme.. And many more. I learn Islam from book and find out more about how it works in reality.
Siapa sangka... Theory Gravati yang menggemparkan dunia itu datang daripada sebiji Epal?
Also what amazed me a lot is science.
Science is just like a spectacular which discover more and more about the myth of universe, surprise keep on coming to human when day goes by. The most typical case is how Isaac Newton found out his theory of Gravitation by watching the fall of an apple from a tree. (For me I would just eat the apple and get away)
Just an red apple but inspired Issac Newton a lot.
Do he create an apple from tree? Or is he just storyteller who beautify the falling of an apple? Nope, he was started to THINK about the creation of Creator. We all are able to think and act, but slowly we all stop asking question about everything around us and think it is very "normal". We get used to everything we have on this world and slowly forget about where it come from...
Learning is a very long journey.
While I was teenage indeed I was doing Religion Comparison under awareness (Except Islam and I wasn't know anything about it) , my father keep on give me input that Buddhism is the right religion. But there were a lot of doubtful statement makes me feel not confident with it, then I go to read a whole lots of book about Philosophy, Religion brief introduction and Science. I am not tend to insult any religion at Malaysia but in a matter of fact I was failed to find "god".
Just like a soul who lost his direction, I was flew to nowhere in this world. What is right or wrong? What is life and death? What is humanity and cruelty? There are just way too much of explanation but yet, there are just a "temporary answer". Today someone may give a statement that everyone agree about it, but tomorrow the same statement being denied and replaced with another "New statement" from human mind. "We are making the 'New World Order'." "We must be keep changing ourselves to stay up at the peak of centuries." "We are...... we must be.... we must deny..... "
"If you are the righteous one, then you will not keep changing your statement. Because the real Answer will be the fixed Answer forever. Especially those question who still not solved by human limited mighty. " I was thinking about it while reading various kind of statement.
When I met Islam, only Allah SWT realize how I was cried happily that I found the truth and God.
Yes, I was not born in Muslim family... I don't have any knowledge about Islam at young age. I don't even know if "god" is existed due to many different kind of religion statement. It's unexplainable experience, just like I have been being live at jungles for ages, suddenly there's a road sign telling where I was come and towards where I should be go.
More and more scientific proof stick itself to Islam, not Islam go to preach what science have proven. This is already a most firm proof that Islam is not from human's mind or mouth. After all when I remember back all those path that I have been walked through...
"Setiap anak dilahirkan secara fitrah, kedua-dua ibu bapanya yang menjadikannya Yahudi, Nasrani atau Majusi." (Hadis riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)
Saya ditakdirkan untuk dilahir pada keluarga yang saya mempunyai sekarang, mereka bukanlah orang Islam. Tetapi adakah ini bermakna saya telah kehilangan fitrah untuk mencari Kebenaran?
I never blame on God that why I was born at non muslim family?
Because I am realize this is my fate to be born in their family, everyone doesn't have the choice to pick which family they want to go but Allah SWT arranging it for every Roh. Without realise, we even have been promised to Allah SWT that to Him we pray since before we were born.
Dan (ingatlah wahai Muhammad) ketika Tuhanmu mengeluarkan zuriat anak-anak Adam (turun-temurun) dari (tulang) belakang mereka, dan Ia jadikan mereka saksi terhadap diri mereka sendiri, (sambil Ia bertanya dengan firmanNya): “Bukankah Aku tuhan kamu?” Mereka semua menjawab: “Benar (Engkaulah Tuhan kami), kami menjadi saksi”. Yang demikian supaya kamu tidak berkata pada hari kiamat kelak: “Sesungguhnya kami adalah lalai (tidak diberi peringatan) tentang (hakikat tauhid) ini”.
(Surah Al-A'raf : ayat 172)This doubt also asked by my mother : " I raised you up by let you eat Khinzir since small, what have been makes you abandon every chinese tradiontional foods?"
Sure it's weird for my dearest mother who take care of me since I was born, for her I have been let go a lot of things she teach me to do. I am totally changed till she feel that I was cursed by some kind of kampung black magic? The answer is very simple that I am muslim, and I obey to every Hukum Allah SWT. But it seems too hard to let my mother understand the real meaning of it.
When I look back the past path I walked, I have been realized that those childhood and teenage times is not pushing me away from Truth but I was striving hard to it. Due to I was finding the question in my heart and keep on deny the wrong answer, Alhamdulilah finally Allah SWT show me the right path. I would be very confident to say so not because I wasn't know anything about religion then suddenly Islam come to me, but it's simply because I have been read too much religion issue till I found Islam is the One among all of the religion on earth.
Although I am not born Muslim, but I am fully understand at the moment I was recite Kalimah Syahadah is due to I keen on finding God since I was kid. It doesn't matter that I was born as muslim or not because what most important is am I finding God?
Ehh? Abang cina tu datang dari mana ni?
One day... I decided to learn more about Islam.
So I have been join this primary school Islamic class.. As you can see I was sitting quietly among all of these kids, trying to focus on what ustaz teaching about Islam. I was get special offer in join this lesson..
Hehe no la actually I was in charge officer in managing Camping program for those kids.. I was just Solat Jemaah then standing by to assist ustaz if he need any help while giving speech. When my colleagues taken photo I found out I was accidentally pay too much attention in Tazkirah till I was sit at the same row with kids. Perhaps this is the chance of experience how it feel to be a little kid listen to Tazkirah?
It doesn't matter that I am born muslim or not.
Because everyone is born in Fitrah, no matter born muslim or non muslim.
Berdakwah itu Kewajipan
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I was just involved in motorcycle accident last week.
Alhamdulilah I was not severely injured. While crashed and smashed on road my eyes can't see anything. This accident also makes me realized I have been missed a lot of things in my life. A whole lot of things that I still hesitated to do.
After this incident, I try not to hesitate anymore.
Time wait for no one, there's few dream waiting for me to achieve in my life.
Diary Life As Muallaf
Monday, April 11, 2011
Between Harrassment and Apologize
Since I have been involved in various kind of events with my job position, Bacaan Doa is a must for every opening speech in ceremony. Without feeling hesitated I would raise my hands while baca doa, although this act is always an shocking moment for those who sit beside me.
Of course I can be stay put and pretend that I am not related with Bacaan Doa, but in the name of Allah SWT I still raise my hands and ignore those who look at me with bemused face.
"Masa itu majlis jalan oh... Kita suruh Ikhwan pergi depan baca doa lah. Angkat tangan itu macam dan bla bla bla..." She raise hands and pretend like muslim who baca doa.
Laughing and harassment from my colleagues make me feel insulted. I don't want to mention their race and religion because it's due to their own personality problem. I tried to calm down myself and give them a smile, perhaps? I never been to live alike others, thus there's a lot of prejudice and criticize waiting aside to smash me hard on my face anytime. Sure it's pain but I am already feel numb with the same situation for many times.
Also, I was went to Kursus Jabatan at Putrajaya.
Unlike other kursus, it specially aimed to train discipline and attitude as Gov Servant. So every muslim who attend this Kursus need to be Solat Jemaah for every prayers. I was wearing Baju Melayu and Kopiah and walking by non muslim as if nothing happen. I pray to Allah SWT and Zikir in solat Jemaah, feeling calm and peacefully in my unstable heart which moves like wave of sea. Well... at the same time I was saw the rude colleague watching me go in and out of Surau and only God know what she gossip with her friends, I tried to comfort myself and keep thinking that it's not a big deal.
While attending kursus I was sharing room with 3 muslim colleagues. Well I guess may be I am the only one chinese male at there... This is the room that I was going to spent with for one week.
At next two morning, I woke up at 5.30AM and go for my Subuh prayers. I also waken up those muslim colleagues who still asleep, I just don't want they feel disturbed that why I went out silently. Untill next few days, a not so friendly Malay Colleagues suddenly tell me this : " Ikhwan, saya ingin memohon maaf."
"Kenapa?" I was shocked with this sudden apologize.
"Sebenarnya saya ni orang yang Racist. Saya tak berapa suka bergaul dengan orang yang berbangsa cina.. Jadi saya ingin memohon maaf kepada kamu dengan apa yang saya telah buat sebelum ini."
I was shocked.
Well he is not really offended me, just not talked with me even a word and act like I was not existed. Untill now I still not understand why he give me an apologize. However after that we did chit chat like friends untill the Kursus finished.
There's so many different type of people I have to deal in my life.
I never keen on revenge what they insulted me or asking anyone to agree that I am a serious muslim. I just want to live on the path of Islam silently, peacefully... It doesn't matter for me whenever I receive harrassment or apologize, I never put so much hope on humans that never know what will happen next at tommorrow. We all are just servants of Allah SWT no matter what skin colour we have or what is our religion status.
I raise my hands and pray to Allah SWT.
Only to Him I bowed and pray, only to Him I am going back.
Katakanlah: “Sesungguhnya sembahyangku dan ibadatku, hidupku dan matiku, hanyalah untuk Allah Tuhan yang memelihara dan mentadbirkan sekalian alam.
(Al-An’am : ayat 162)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Bye Bye Blackbird
While I was writing memoirs blog about different race same love few years ago, there was a female reader leave me an unforgettable comment.
"I have a friend who just like you, he also couple with malay girl before. But finally he break up with his malay girlfriend and get married with chinese girl. I asked him why he did that? He just give me a short answer : " 受祝福的婚姻总让人觉得好过些。 A blessed marriage is much better for me and everyone." Do you understand why he say like that?"
Yes, I understand.
Marriage which crossing over races and religion never blessed by relatives and family, especially marriage between muslim and non muslim. Objection from family, religion issue, friends discrimination, Family Name issue, and perhaps the statement of Masuk Melayu? Either one of these issue may makes him feels frustrated and get mad.
He stepped back, turn into a normal couple life with another chinese girl then get married. Happy ending for him and everyone that care about. Everyone are clapping hands while he pop the champagne in wedding party, he hold up glass of wine celebrating his largest event with everyone he knows. No one would doubt and weird with their behaviors or should it be?
Being normal is very easy, just live like anyone else.
No pressure and discriminating speech from others.
I have the same story but different ending... Also recalled me that I was written a letter to Shiema, it's not really a letter but just some thought in my mind. Blogging is still very unfamiliar to me at year 2004 :
Bye Bye Blackbird
One day I was walking alone on the street. The sky seems so cloudy and dark but it didn't rained. While I was walking, there was a blackbird come from nowhere stop by on my shoulder. I was feeling weird and look at this blackbird.. It seems very uneasy and yelling : " Do you ever know that when you are doing something that everyone not willing to do, you will be called by those people as Stupid! Idiot! Funny! Abnormal! I am really not understand why you willing to be insulted and humiliated also don't want to be part of them, following their lifestyle... Doing the same things like how they did??"
I was smiling and look at this blackbird, I answered him patiently :" Due to I realize what I really wanted in my life, thus I am doing something that no one willing to do. Do you know how much strength and effort it needed to step away from community footstep? I am walking on a path that not even familiar at all... I take my very own steps to walk out from following community perception and linkage, my decision gives me a lot of happiness that they can't get, although at the same time I have been went through a lot of pains that others doesn't feel. However I am never regret at all and keep on my own lonely journey, because I don't care about what others views on me and searching for another kind of very own life... "
Blackbird was staring at me silently. Then he flew away without a words towards the cloudy sky, he getting smaller and far away from me. I don't know whether he left me because of I am a crazy people for him who never listen to anyone advice, or he feel inspired and chase for different life. I was just look at him fly away... fly away.
"Do you know this bird have a name?" I asked shiema.
"Nope.. What's his name?" Shiema was reading my letter beside me.
I whispered the blackbird name.
"His name is Freedom "
Blackbird, blackbird singing the blues all day Right outside of my door, Blackbird, blackbird why do you sit and say There's no sunshine in store? All through the winter you hung around; Now I begin to feel homeward bound. Blackbird, blackbird gotta be on my way Where there's sunshine galore. Pack up all my care and woe. Here I go, singing low, Bye, Bye, blackbird. Where somebody waits for me - Sugar's sweet, so is she. Bye, Bye, blackbird. No one here can love and understand me. Oh, what hard luck stories they all hand me. Make my bed and light the light; I'll arrive late tonight. Blackbird, bye, bye. Bluebird, bluebird calling me far away, I've been longing for you. Bluebird, bluebird, this is my lucky day; Skies are turning to blue. I'm like a flower that's fading here, Where ev'ry hour is one long tear. Bluebird, bluebird, this is my lucky day. Now my dreams will come true. Pack up all my care and woe. Here I go, singing low, Bye, Bye, blackbird. Where somebody waits for me - Sugar's sweet, so is she. Bye, Bye, blackbird. No one here can love and understand me. Oh, what hard luck stories they all hand me. Make my bed and light the light; I'll arrive late tonight. Blackbird, bye, bye. (1926 by the American composer Ray Henderson and lyricist Mort Dixon ) |
Diary Life As Muallaf
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