About Ikhwan Ng

Muhammad Ikhwan Ng Bin Abdullah, also known as Ikhwan Ng. 别号: 黄仁雄。
Raised up at Ipoh, living at Taiping, Perak.. 100% pure chinese blood.

Reverted at 26 Sept 2008,Hari Jumaat Bulan Ramadhan.
Able to speak and read Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and English. Love to read books in various kind of topic, preferably Islamic book, foreign fiction and modern science.

Spent my 11 years time in chinese primary and secondary school, currently studying at University of Life and Love. 

My religion view?
I wasn't really serious religious person before getting know Islam. I can't label myself as Atheist at past moments because I was still believing the exist of God, the different is just I don't believe god exist in human's philosophy. 

I did find answer about God at everywhere, tons of different view I have read about but yet none of them impressed me. Till I was live like a leaf overflow on air, without knowing the way I should go in my life.

Alhamdulilah, Only Allah SWT who can show me the path. 
And Now I am blogging on this little pages to share my thoughts about Islam, and my personal journey on path of Reverted Muslim.

( What I have been written doesn't represent any political party or NGO. )

Any question please email me at :            lifemualaf@gmail.com 
Handphone Number                       :            012-3979998 


  1. :) lebih memahami islam berbanding saya tahniah

  2. alhamdulillah kerana telah terpilih menjadi hamba Allah dan diberikan nur oleh Allah s.w.t. moga sentiasa bersabar dengan segala dugaan dan sentiasa menikmati segala rezeki yang dikurniakan olehNya....

  3. Alhamdullilah!! Continue your search for knowledge and may Allah make your tasks easy for you.

  4. Salaam Bro ikhwan,

    Alhmdulillah - Dia anugerahkan taufiq n hidayah kepada anda.

  5. Assalamualaikum Brother Muhammad Ikhwan.

    Welcome to the Fitrah that Almighty Allahu Ta'ala has bestowed upon us. Islam is perfect and is the only Way of Life that our Lord Almighty has revealed for us. It is up to us to strive and equip ourselves with all that Islam provides for our guidance here on Earth and in the next realms of existence hereafter.

    'Seek knowledge even if it takes one to China' is a saying attributed to our beloved Prophet Muhammad ibni Abdullah Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam.

    You too can share with us all that you have gone through in life and what drew you to your birthright now of being a Muslim?

    May Allah bless us all with His Taufik and Hidayah.


    Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

    1. Walaikumsalam MAHAGURU58, Thanks for your sincere comment and I am appreciates it. InsyaAllah I will be share more about how I was gone through my life as muallaf and hope it helps for others who search His light.

      May Allah bless us all. Ameen.

  6. Salam bro ikhwan,
    Alhamdullilah!!,Hebat sungguh coretan-coretan anda.Suatu hari nti insyallah saya rasa ilmu anda akan lebih bnyk dari saya sendiri yg asal di lahirkan sebagai muslim.Kerna pada saya dugaan hidup akan mendekatkan lagi saudara dengan Allah dan menjadikan anda insan yg lebih beriman padaNya.Insyallah.

    1. Walaikumsalam. Terima kasih kerana membaca blog saya. Syukur Alhamdulillah kerana saya kembali kepada Islam dan apa yang saya kongsikan hanya sedikit pandangan dan pengalaman peribadi saja.

      Semoga Allah SWT memberikan hidayah kepada kita semua.

  7. alhamdulilah sukur kepada allah

  8. Salaam and best wishes to you Ikhwan.

    Can I have your view on this. Sorry if it's a naive question because I don't have experience or exposure to vernacular school.

    I would like my small son to have chinese education, disciplined with mathematics and mandarin language. If I send my son to a Chinese-medium primary school, would the environment discourage him from growing up and practising and socialising with Islamic values?

    Right now he's just 2.5 years old but I want him to learn chinese language and have good foundation in mathematics.


    1. Walaikumsalam.

      It recalled me when I was studying standard 1. There are 2 malay boys and 3 malay girls at school. When they entering secondary school, they can talk mandarin with chinese. No one would know they are malays if talk to phone I guess..

      There are Islamic class ready for muslim student when we was studying moral subject. And there are also malay food stall (only one) for muslim student.

      Personally I think it's very good to send your son studying at chinese school, because chinese language is the hardest language on world. As for kid who staying at learning-fast age, they will have extra ability to talk and write in chinese.

      The only thing have to beware is make sure there are other malay students also, and tell them beware of non muslim food stall.

  9. Bismillah,

    Assalamualaikum Ikhwan, alhamdulillah for being a Muslim at quite a young age (23yrs old), I would say.
    Frankly, I am quite surprise that you are from Perak. I always thought that Chinese in Perak are not well exposed to Islam since Chinese population is quite big in Perak.
    Dakwah to non-Muslim has been one of my primary concern for the past few years knowing that I haven't done any effort at all in this particular aspect.
    Appreciate if you could share your experience on what triggers you to be a Muslim, is it through reading, Muslim friends dakwah etc.
    I always wonder how to start dakwah to non-Muslim fearing that it will offend them if we talk about religion especially Islam.
    Saya Melayu btw dan pernah terdengar drp isteri saya yg mempunyai seorang sahabat wanita Cina yang memeluk Islam selepas mempelajari Islam through her own effort which at one point said that shouldn't she embrace Islam upon her death part of the blame should go to her Malay friends for never teaching her about Islam.
    Scary right? do u happen to be in similar case as well? I really hope that we as Muslim can start doing something about that.

    1. Walaikumsalam.

      actually the decision was consider for years, and finally I was registered officially at age 23. I think the hidayah of Allah SWT is at everywhere of earth, just sometime we might be not so eye catching at Perak because most (90%) of the chinese citizen is non muslim.

      InsyaAllah, I will try to share my experience about for what and why I'm accept Islam one day.

      There are one course organize by bro Lim Jooi Soon, named as Interactive Dakwah Traning. Perhaps you can attend and learn from him about how to dakwah, very interesting and informative.

      I think everyone have the responsibility to dakwah, although only one ayat....

  10. Hahahahaha.... I'm so happy... :D

    Your Lord,

    1. Thanks. your name is Lucifer?

    2. Yes Muhammad Ikhwan bin Abdullah... I'll make your fate as your name... you'll be joining your brotherhood in my place, you'll be my slave forever... you may taste my peace, you may taste my pleasure... it's all yours... because I'm the greatest.

      Your Lord,

    3. Whatever you said make no sense to me

  11. salam...

    one question i would like to ask... sekiranya seorang itu terlupa membaca tasyahud awal dalam solatnya, adakah solatnya terbatal atau tidak? jika ya, kenapa, jika tidak, kenapa pula...


    1. Walaikumsalam. Tidak terbatal kerana hukumnya SUNAT.

      "Kalangan para ulama dan mazhab telah sepakat bahawa, duduk tasyahud awal dan membaca bacaannya hanyalah sunat sahaja."

      Mughni al-Muhtaj, 1/239, Al-Syrah al-Soghir, 1/317: Al-Fiqh al-Islami wa Adillatuhu al0Zuhaili 2/900

    2. Bagaimana pula pandangan dari Imam Syafie sendiri? Dan apa pula kedudukan Sujud Sahwi?

  12. Assalamu'alaikum Ya akhi Ikhwan Ng!

    Just wanna to know if you have an dakwah programs for new muslims in Ipoh. If so please leave me a msg at my email :samdeen06@yahoo.com
    Just want to attend and meet new brothers in Ipoh and have halaqah with them.

    Jazakallah Khair.

    1. Walaikumsalam. InsyaAllah next year January there will be a Interactive Dakwah Programme held at MACMA Ipoh. I will be email you if got further information.

  13. Assalamualaikum~

    Tahniah buat saudara dan teruskan usaha sebarkan dakwah dan memberi lebih kefahaman untuk mereka yang baru nak mengenali Islam itu sendiri. Teruskan usaha anda dan mudah-mudahan kita sentiasa berada di landasan akidah yang benar.

  14. Hi, do you speak/read/understand Arabic without the need for someone to translate for you?

  15. Salam,

    Kenapa Nabi boleh kahwin lebih dari empat dan pengikutnya hanya maksimum empat? Ikhwan boleh terangkan?

    1. Walaikumsalam.

      Pada zaman jahiliah, orang arab mengamalkan poligami tanpa had isteri, dan perempuan tidak mempunyai kedudukan penting di masyarakat. Sehingga apabila Islam diturunkan kepada Nabi selepas Isa, iaitu Nabi Muhammad SAW, Allah SWT menyuruh manusia yang beriman supaya melaku adil kepada isteri dan juga hadkan maksimum kepada empat sahaja.

      Dan jika kamu takut tidak berlaku adil terhadap perempuan-perempuan yatim (apabila kamu berkahwin dengan mereka), maka berkahwinlah dengan sesiapa yang kamu berkenan dari perempuan-perempuan (lain): dua, tiga atau empat. Kemudian jika kamu bimbang tidak akan berlaku adil (di antara isteri-isteri kamu) maka (berkahwinlah dengan) seorang sahaja, atau (pakailah) hamba-hamba perempuan yang kamu miliki. Yang demikian itu adalah lebih dekat (untuk mencegah) supaya kamu tidak melakukan kezaliman.

      (An-Nisaa 4:3)

  16. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang hikmah di sebalik Nabi dibenarkan berkahwin lebih daripada empat, sila baca buku pdf ini pada page 58


  17. Assalamualaik,

    Alhamdulillah, bertambah lg pejuang Islam..
    saya bangga bila saudara Ikhwan akhirnya memilih Islam sbg agama..Syukur, alhamdulillah..moga ramai lagi non-Islam di luar sana yg mendapat hidayahNya..
    apa yg saya lihat & saya ketahui secara tak langsung (melalui radio IKIM khususnya), kebanyakkan saudara baru Islam spt saudara Ikhwan, lebih tekun mempelajari, mendalami & mempraktikkan ajaran Islam dpd kami yg sedari lahir sbg seorang Islam..
    Moga keluarga saudara Ikhwan, diberi hidayah & inayahNya spt mana saudara Ikhwan..

    1. Walaikumsalam. Terima kasih kerana membaca blog saya.

      Sebenarnya semua orang juga diuji untuk sama ada mencari Kebenaran atau tidak. Semoga akan ada lebih ramai orang turut mengenali Kebenaran dan menjadi hamba kepada Allah s.w.t.

  18. As Salam

    Just sharing some experiences

    There's some group in the internet that will use questions, a basic understanding of ISLAM towards newly reverts and even so called Muslim by heritage

    Using suspicious "hadith" or sirah even quote in Quran which taken partially from the sentence to make it misleading or even confusing, many people whose were poor on Islamic knowledge and thin Iman will fall into their deadly traps

    Be strong and be cautious as i can see you're being targeted, among the new reverts also

    Islam were belong to ALL not just for Arab and Malay, It's a bless to the entire universe. I would like to congratulate you for being safely choosing the right path towards glorious hereafter


    1. Walaikumsalam.

      Yup, I agree that new muslim always being targeted. Especially there are few of my friends being invited to some weird praying/worship process. Alhamdulillah more people have been getting out of such mystery group.

      It's never ending journey to learn Islam, wherever I go also pray for Allah swt protect me from such threaten of Iman.

  19. Assalamualaikum saudara Ikhwan, semoga saudara sekeluarga sentiasa mendapat keberkatan Allah, teruskan perjuangan dakwah anda. Usaha dan niat suci anda, insyaAllah akan mendapat ganjaran dariNya.
    Salam persaudaraan dari kami sekeluarga.
    Azyzie :-)

    1. Walaikumsalam. terima kasih kerana sudi membaca blog saya. Saya hanya berkongsi sedikit cerita yang mampu menyedarkan kawan2 dan pembaca, semoga bermanfaat

  20. حدى للمتقين و الحمدلله

  21. Assalamualaikum,
    Subhanallah, Maha Suci Allah yg memberi hidayah kpd insan² yg dikehendakinya. Semoga saudara sentiasa dirahmati dan mendapat petunjuk dari NYA.

    1. Walaikumsalam. Terima kasih saudara. Semoga saudara juga dirahmati Allah s.w.t.

  22. Assalamualaikum brother Ikhwan. Apparently, I stumbled upon your blog last year while I was browsing through the blog of reverted Muslims. I am really interested to know about their thinkings and difficulties that they've encountered through their spiritual journey as a Muslim. And through writing, I can feel the blessing that Allah has bestowed upon you. Hopefully, you can stay strong in this path and may Allah guide.
    I am just like you, still learning to be a better Muslim. And I would like to share something, try to watch youtube video of Nouman Ali Khan. Very inspiring, he is one of my favourite speaker.

    1. Walaikumsalam. Thanks for pay a visit to my blog. Actually I didn't think about blogging until one day a muslim friend gave me suggestion. I wasn't a good writer and muslim at all, but then Allah s.w.t. give me strength to share more experience although not knowledgeable enough.

      InshaAllah our faith and Iman always being protect by Allah. s.w.t.

  23. assalamualaikum...syukur melihat seorang insan yang ingin tahu tentang Islam. berlainan dengan saya, teman lelaki berbangsa cina, namun tidak dapat menerima Islam walaupun sudah bersama selama 6 tahun..saya buntu dalam membuat keputusan. saya ingin beliau menerima Islam bukan kerana saya, tetapi kerana rela hati.. paksaan bukan jalan yang saya ingin untuknya. :(

    1. Walaikumsalam. apa yang saudari harapkan adalah betul, kita tidak boleh memaksa sesiapa memeluk Islam. Lagipun selepas berkahwin, suami memikul tanggungjawab yang lebih berat dalam membimbing keluarga.

      Kita hanya boleh berusaha untuk menjelaskan Islam, namun hendaklah sentiasa berdoa kepada Allah SWT agar dia menerima hidayah.

  24. assalam bro M. Ikhwan..
    boleh tau apa twitter anda..?
    kalo anda belom reg. harap boleh reg. twitter & show the link in this site..

    terima kasih & teruskan perjuanganmu..

    p/s: ada beberapa good info dari site ini yg saya twit..
    semoga ada antara mereka² yg terbaca mendapat hidayahNya dari perkongsian anda

    1. Walaikumsalam.


      Saya masih belajar bagaimana main Twitter, boleh update blogpost dengan ini ke?

  25. boleh, kat bawah setaip post anda, ada button social share, klik button [t] to tweet the post..
    atau anda boleh guna 3rd party apps yg boleh auto tweet setiap new post..

    twitter adalah 'tools wajib' bagi sorg penulis spt anda ;)
    mula² guna nampak mcm tricky tp lama² dah biasa, boleh jd better than facebuk (the art of 140 character ;)

    • kelebihan pada twitter yg takde pada fesbuk hashtag → #
    • #keyword → juga utk buat the keyword 'trending'
    • contoh: #PrayForSabah → taip pada Searchbox utk cari semua info pasal keyword tersebut..
    • to share / retweet a tweet to your followers → RT
    • to mention user → @username

    a nice infografik about twitter - how-to-twitter-infographic.png

    kdg² news shared dlm twitter lebih pantas dari news di paper/tv even fesbuk..
    search info (links) dari twitter juga kdg² better than google searh..

    ya saya pon masih belajar & terus belajar semua perkara..

    thanks & followed

    1. haha.. sampai sekarang hanya ada 7 followers. masih belajar cara-cara main twitter @ @

  26. Assalaamu a'laikum Bro Ikhwan, SubhanaAllah all praises to Allah Who has always the Most Benevolent and Merciful to us. He Who had given you the clear path to the success in this world and the hereafter. Welcome to the familihood of Islam Bro Ikhwan. I pray to Allah that all your loved ones (family, friends and acquantainces will also will be guided to the straight path).

    1. Walaikumsalam bro. Jazakallah Khairyan for your blessing and may Allah bless you too. I do hope this blog may raise awareness of Islam to more people.

  27. Assalamualaikum Sdr Ikhwan
    Tahniah..May Allah bless you always.

    1. Walaikumsalam, may Allah bless you always too.

  28. Alhamdulillah..kamu lebih bagus dari saya yang semenjak lahir sudah bergelar Islam..Saya amat malu dengan diri saya..Saya juga ada seorang kekasih cina...dan tak tahu bagaimana hendak bercakap mengenai pertukaran agama kepada Islam..

    1. Saudara/i boleh cuba menjelaskan keindahan tawhid dan Islam kepadanya... Kemudian berdoa kepada Allah SWT membuka pintu hatinya, selagi kita tidak pernah cuba, masih belum tahu hasilnya.

  29. Assalamualaikum. :)
    Hi there, I have this, well, curious thing inside my head reading your name. It is Muhammad Ikhwan Ng Bin Abdullah, right? Ok, so the family name is Ng, while Muhammad Ikhwan is your name. But, Bin Abdullah? I dunno much about Arabic names and culture but AFAIK CMIIW doesn't it means that your father's name must be, err... Abdullah Ng? Is he also muslim?

    Eh, btw lu kong hokkien bo? But Ng surnames... Probably Cantonese? ;)

    1. Walaikumsalam. This is my favorite issue, I wrote about it at :


      Also wrote about into my book "Dengan Lafaz 2 Kalimah Syahadah" at chapter "Wahai Abdullah".

      Yes, my family name is Ng. In Chinese cultural, there aren't any "father name" exist in Chinese Name. My father isn't Muslim either. As for Malaysia's cultural, almost every reverted muslim requested to put "bin Abdullah", that only exist in Nusantara and Malaysia. I knew it after few years embraced Islam, get used to it already. However there are a lot reverted muslim who retain their name or just put muslim name at front nowadays, no big deal.

      I'm Teo Cheow..

    2. Wow, that's really complicated problems with just three words. Glad that my grandfather's line is Hui, so it wasn't a big deal for them. :D

    3. Yeah, Hui is a large community that able to retain cultural.. So are you Malaysian or China ?

    4. I am Indonesian. :)

  30. Assalammualaikum... Ikhwan...

    Alhamdullillah... awak mendapat hidayah dari Allah SWT, membaca tulisan awak di blog dan buku membuatkan saya rasa, terlalu banyak yang kurang dalam diri saya walaupun saya Islam sejak dari lahir... Setelah baca buku awak, baru saya tahu kenapa lebih suka memerhati dari berkata-kata..

    1. Walaikumsalam. Terima kasih kerana membaca blog dan buku saya.

      Ummi kenal saya dalam realiti ke? Ya betul saya memang bukan orang yang suka berborak, sehingga orang ingat saya ini pendiam dan apa2 hal pun "No Comment". Padahal saya lebih suka meneliti daripada sembang kosong saja..

  31. sorry but why are your name is Muhammad Ikhwan Ng Bin Abdullah?
    i thought reverted muslim aren't suppose to change their father's name?

    1. It's optional, whether a revert wants to retain his original name or father's name.

      At 1980's was compulsory to put "bin abdullah", nowadays is optional. more info please refer to my blogpost "The Myth Of bin Abdullah"

  32. Assalamualaikum.. saudara ikhwan..
    saya suka membaca post2 saudara dlm blog ni..
    saya x pandai dlm blog ni.. just read what people write...
    teruskan usaha anda untuk menyebarkan dakwah Islam..

    1. Walaikumsalam, terima kasih kerana melawat blog saya. Semua orang adalah bebas untuk berkongsi maklumat di sini, kalao saudari ada apa2 komen pun boleh tinggalkan saja :)

    2. Finally saya dpt jumpa and membeli buku saudara ... baru baca separuh buku.. dan saya berharap buku ini dapat diterjemahkan atau dialih bahasa nya kepada English.. so saya dpt hadiahkan kepada kawan2 saya yg x mengenali bahasa Melayu dan kurang memahami bahasa Melayu... dengan buku ini saya berharap dalam membantu perkembangan dakwah Islam... Insya Allah..

    3. Alhamdulillah, terima kasih kerana membeli buku saya. Mengenai buku bahasa English, terpulang kepada penerbit yang berminat ingin cetak ataupun tidak. Sementara ini saya berusaha menulis artikel English dalam blog sahaja...

  33. Salam.

    May Allah swt bless u and me. Insyallah.

  34. Assalamualaikum...
    Saudara Ikhwan, terima kasih kerana membuka blog ini. Sesungguhnya saya amat suka membaca atau mendengar kisah-kisah mereka yang mendapat hidayah dari Allah S.W.T.. Semoga perkongsian ini dapat menginsafkan kita semua.
    Semoga saudara akan terus berjaya dan mengeluarkan buku kedua di masa hadapan.

    1. Walaikumsalam. terima kasih kerana membaca blog saya. Saya gemar berkongsi kisah2 kerana kita seharusnya lebih memahami keindahan Islam.

      Saya dalam proses menulis buku kedua, insyaAllah tahun depan akan keluar dengan izin Allah SWT

  35. assalamualaikum...

    Blog yang sangat menarik...perkongsian yang membuatkan diriku ini berfikir sejenak...Am I a good Muslim ? Subhanallh...sentiasa alpa dan terlupa....sentiasa mengharapkan redha dan kemaafan dari yg Maha Esa...Semoga kita semua dilindungi da di tetapkan iman...

    1. Walaikumsalam.

      terima kasih kerana melawat blog ini. Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa memperingati kita untuk menjadi lebih baik daripada semalam...

  36. 你好!知道你是中文教育出身的所以中文阅读应该是不成问题。
    其实我在生活中的智慧学习与实践更偏向于一些正能量智慧(偏向佛教?)instead of 宗教教条。




    1. Kenny 你好!是的,我本身和你一样是全中文教育出身,所以我们可以用中文来交流。



  37. akhi, saya yani seorang wanita dari Indonesia, saya jatuh cinta dengan college student di bangladesh kami kenal melalui chat room dan ia janji mau nikahi dan akan datang ke indonesia tahun ini tapi setelah 6 bulan saya kenal dengan yang lain dan ia memutuskan hubungan dengan saya, sd saat ini saya masih cinta sama dia saya coba meningkatkan ibdah untuk melupakannya tapi setiap tahu dia lagi dekat dengan wanita lain saya cemburu, dan tidak bisa menahan diri, tolong nasehatnya akhi agar saya bisa ikhlas dan melupakannya

    1. Di antara cinta kepada dunia dan Allah SWT, harus kita meningkatkan kecintaan kita kepada Allah SWT melebihi apa yang ada di atas duniawi. Kita tidak harus berasa sedih dengan apa yang hilang di atas dunia, kerana Allah SWT tidak mengecewakan hambaNya yang ikhlas.

  38. I'm impressed on how you handle weird comments. Good job! Very patient. Patient is a part of Iman. May you are always blessed by ALLAH.

    1. I'm more afraid if there's no comments at all !
      I love questions because I believe there is answer in (serious) questions...

  39. 为什么那么多马来西亚华人那么抗拒回教? 当一个人很想更了解回教时,无论家人或朋友他们会开始用不同的眼光来批评。。

    我本身也很想更了解回教,应该是在今年开始吧!! 看不懂有些马来文我就会 找找 Google translator 帮忙一下。。今年的 puasa 我也跟着戒斋,甚至在戒斋月也曾经梦见过自己成了回教徒,但醒来后有一种莫名的伤感因为在现实生活中的我根本身边不会有半个人来支持我的信仰。。就这样想成为回教徒也开始放弃了。

    by the way, i still would like to know more about Islam, is there any guide? just like where should i start from the first step that i can understand more?

    Thank you.

  40. 你有没有 facebook ?我们可以互相交流,这是我的 FB link : https://www.facebook.com/ikhwanng


    我也可以寄给你一些中文伊斯兰书籍,你可以大概了解一下。这是我的手机号码 : 012-3979998

  41. 我一直对回教有兴趣,之前还在念书没经济能力所以都没说出来。现在有了经济能力却家人不能接受我的选择,弄得我很难为情。我读的书是以马来文为主,有时被问到时也不知怎么以华文解识给他们听。。我真的不知该怎么辨。。

  42. I feel that if malaysian chinese want to revert really need more courage to do it because of too many procedure and effect after revert. For example after revert the children and spouse need to compulsory revert..
    have a heart want to become a muslim but have no coverage its useless also...just like we need to apply if want to revert, its not only read shahada and need a witness so simple..the people go to approve we are muslim is not the religion to prove us are muslim.Its really ridiculous rules in our country..
    Is that possible I revert but my spouse and children have no any effect?

    1. This is for your reference, however I'll try to ask Malaysia authorities and give you the clearer answer.


      A. Fatwa of The European Council for Fatwa & Research, including Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Sheikh ‘Abdullah bin Bayyah, Sheikh ‘Abdullah al-Judai and others (from Sheikh ‘Abdullah bin Bayyah, Sina’at al-Fatwa, pp. 356-7)

      1. If both of the couple become Muslim, and they are not close relatives by blood or suckling that would make the marriage invalid, their marriage continues in its validity. (NB they do not need an Islamic nikah ceremony.)

      2. If only the husband converts to Islam, they are not close relatives and the wife is a person of scripture, their marriage continues in its validity.

      3. If only the wife converts to Islam, the view of the Council is that: a) if she converts before the marriage is consummated, she must leave him immediately; b) if she converts after consummation and her husband converts within 3 months or within 3 of her monthly cycles, their marriage continues in its validity; c) as before, but if a long time period has passed, she may remain with him in the expectation that he will convert also. If he eventually converts, their marriage continues in its validity, without needing a new marriage ceremony. d) If she wishes to leave her husband after the 3-month time period, she should seek dissolution of her marriage from the relevant authorities.

      4. If the wife is Muslim and the husband is not, the four Madhhabs do not allow her to remain with him after the expiry of the 3-month period, or to have sexual relations with him. However, some scholars allow her to remain with him, fully-married, as long as he does not harm her regarding her religious practice and as long as she has hope that he will also convert to Islam eventually.

      It is authentically narrated from ‘Umar bin al-Khattab that a woman became a Muslim while her husband remained non-Muslim: he ruled, “If she wishes, she may leave him or if she wishes, she may remain with him.” Also, there is an authentic narration from ‘Ali bin Abi Talib: “If the wife of a Jewish or Christian man becomes Muslim, he is entitled to remain her husband, since he has a covenant with the Muslims.” Similar views are authentically-narrated from Ibrahim al-Nakh’i, Imam Sha’bi and Hammad bin Abi Sulayman.


    2. Thanks for your information..by the way may I know if I start practice to doa and solat is that wrong because of I'm not a muslim yet?
      My situation and family make me lost courage to choose the religion that I want. As you know that the mostly chinese family still thinking islam is for malay not for the world..who revert to islam than its malay.. :(

    3. Yes you may start practice to doa and solat even though you're not a muslim yet. Everyone are welcome to learn and understand what Islam about.

      I believe that is a common perception among chinese that embraced Islam=turned into malay. All praises to Allah, now we are organizing chinese muslim community like MACMA, Hidayah Centre that gathered with all reverted muslim other than malay. it might help to show that Islam is for mankind, while malay is just an ethnic.

  43. Dear Saudara Ikhwan Ng ,

    I believe if someone convert , firstly he/she must love Islam first before love
    If he/she convert to Islam because love or follow fiancee , there no point embraces Islam
    Suddenly , the Islam people dump or divorces you , no return path to convert back to original religion
    There no point to embraces Islam for sake pursue love , materialistic , fame and promotion
    Before he/she convert , we should think what impact / consequence to our family

    1. Like case of lecturer Dr.Teo
      What impact of livehood of her wife and his children since JAIS will take back all property and asset.
      That we need a law like divorces before convert

  44. Hi,

    Interested in your blog. I found your blog when trying to find Halal Chinese food in Ipoh. Hope we can istiqomah as a muslim.

    Btw, if you can understand Indonesian, this person is writing good books regarding Islam.

  45. Dear bro,

    Wonder why islam in malaysia just teach in bahasa malayu? Thats why lot of people think that Islam is just for malay. Do you know why can i get the chinese or English of islamic class in kuala lumpur? Tq

  46. Dear bro do u know where to get the basic islamic class which is teach in english or chinese? KL or PJ area

    1. You may try to contact these NGO, I give you their facebook links:




  47. Ikhwan u knw hindu the oldest religion?

    1. It seems pretty fair, the oldest religion is the authentic source of God. Although Islam came after Hindu, Judaism, Christianity.. There's one thing that make Islam special from other religions.

      Islam is the oldest religion than any other religions. It's not invented by people, in fact our Creator, ALLAH SWT has no beginning and ending.. Guide us to the straight path since the first human Adam created.
      And God said, to the Angels:
      “And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: ‘I am going to create a human (Adam) from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud. So when I have fashioned him and breathed into him (his) soul created by Me, then you fall down prostrate to him.” (Quran 38:71-72)

      God told mankind that He did not create them except that they should worship Him. Everything in this world was created for Adam and his descendants, in order to aid us in our ability to worship and know God. Due to God’s infinite Wisdom, Adam and his descendants were to be the caretakers on earth, so God taught Adam what he needed to know to perform this duty. God mentions:

      “He taught Adam all the names of everything.” (Quran 2:31)
      God gave Adam the ability to identify and designate names to everything; He taught him language, speech and the ability to communicate. God imbued Adam with an insatiable need for and love of knowledge. After Adam had learned the names and uses for all things God said to the Angels...
      “‘tell me the names of these if you are truthful.’ They answered ‘Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Verily it is You the All Knower, the All Wise.’” (Quran 2:31-32)

      God turned to Adam and said:
      “‘O Adam! Inform them of their names,’ and when he had informed them of their names, He said: Did I not tell you that I know the unseen in the heavens and the earth, and I know what you reveal and what you have been hiding?” (Quran 2:33)

      WE ARE NOT MUSLIM if we dare to say that there's no other messengers except prophet Muhammad saw, or if we ever mention that ISLAM is a brand new religion out of nowhere.
      ISLAM is the message of Tawheed, oneness of Creator.
      We are following the eternal message from messengers including Musa(Moses), Abraham (Ibrahim), Isa(Jesus) before our last prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

      The oldest message is The Throne Verse:
      Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.

      We Muslim don't invent new religion, instead we are going back to our very first religion which is submission to ALLAH.

  48. Abraham Brahma... Saraswati Sarah...same roots sound...so hindu is monotheist religion which brought by abraham...because when i read story of abraham people that time worship cow and burn dead body...

  49. Before islam came to Asia Tenggara hindu and budha alrdy there...for example gong kompang silat ayah pin frm batu cave ..all this are sesat...if u learn silat gt syirik...kesultanan melayu raja wasiat mlyu....infact they create masuk islam masuk mlayu...so ridhuan tee masuk mlyu atau msuk islam?? Sometimes i confused...with this kind of nonsense things...pkai songkok baju mlyu sudh jdi mlyu...so when portugese christian came masuk kriatian ckp bhsa ingeria budaya portugese msuk portuegese...

  50. Pls remove all this nonsense and does not make any sense...

  51. may Allah bless you my brother Ikhwan Ng. may be we can have a couple of tea in near future. insyaAllah


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